What talents do I pick for havoc pvp regarding what I like to do

I like 1v1 and random bgs. But I would like to survive more 1v1 encounters if I could.

Confused for first row. I know it’s a bit situational, I solo que randoms and 1v1 a lot. So should I go with dem apetite for heals or felblade+demon blades. I heard blind furry is for melee comps that don’t focus you.

If you have any of the traits that reduce cd on eye beam with orb pick up. Take dem appetite. More damage. Eye beam quicker. More healing.

I don’t use fell blade

For strictly PvP, go 2-3-1-1-2-x-1. On row 108, you need to decide if you would rather be able to snare people or have a better/additional stun. I myself normally go for Master of the Glaive. But on some occasions I’ll take Fel Eruption. As far as the PvP talents go I take, Cover of Darkness, Unending Hatred and Rain from Above. Detainment, Mana Break and Reverse Magic are good options too. IMO avoid taking Mana Rift since you have to really hard CC a person to get that off.

That’s a rather interesting remark for an 8 month necro.

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