What spells got removed?

I know volley got removed from hunters. Was such a cool ability. There were others to though.

And man volley in retail right now doesn’t function any way shape or form like it did in wrath.

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Exactly. And this was just plain stupid. Cataclysm was litteraly the expansion that started to fix things that were never broken to begin with.

The game just started to make less and less sense to me with each expansion from cataclysm onward.

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Shamans and Paladins definitely had hotbar bloat with Seals and Totems. Cata fixed a ton of that and was a good change.

How does making each spec more cohesive within its fantasy make less sense to you?

Sham is extremely simplified, many spells have been pruned or merged together

Also the beloved Sentry Totem seems to be gone (aka the thing that watches for stealths taking the speed buff in wsg tunnel)

Also our totems themselves got deleted from the bank


Spell ranks got removed.

On my shammy I always had Lighting bolt rank1 on my action bars to pull trash from time to time. super fast cast, low mana, also good for low level quests as it did minimal damage. Now I only got 1 rank of it, a longer cast but all spells got auto max ranked so now I pull a low level mob with a lightning bolt it turns into a pile of melted jello.

All the custom class quests got removed.

Warlock no longer have the mount quest you can do, no more demon quests to get them in order to learn them, n more going all over to look for warlock stuff to get matts for some of your quests.

Shams got the totem quest stuff removed along with a few other things. And lots got merged in with shams.

Hunts also got focus, no more hunter quests for pets, pets now never run away from you ever, no matter what. No more hunter ammo gathering. It auto comes with your weapon.

Rogues get a change to the poison system.

Warriors get heroic leap they were supposed to get in original Wrath but did not work out. It comes in Cata. 2nd most OP version of it. Most OP version was the triple heroic leap in retail WoW a while back


Mages lost Amplify and Dampen Magic, we also lost Fire/Frost Ward and instead Mage Ward takes its place with the same effect as both with the added bonus of Arcane.

Pretty sure that’s it on the Mages end.

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Thanks 4 showin me this

WArr Lost mocking blow. I enjoyed using that in Classic and TBC, but it’s no longer required. Shield bash is also gone.

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ULTIMATE Cataclysm Classic Class Picking Guide (youtube.com)

Because none of the changes, at least to me, made those classes more cohesive or fitting their fantasy better.

Like, it wasn’t hotbar bloat in my opinion. Having less and less buttons to press, in all honesty, made the classes more and more boring. Like I just could not stand alot of the changes made to classes in cata in my op. As well as removing the old overworld. Still one of the dumbest changes ever made in the history of wow to me. Like, the revamp, should have just been another option of leveling, and you could choose between the old overworld and the new one.

I mean, on my retail dk, I press 5 buttons lol. That is it on my retail frost dk. 5 buttons. Boring. There are alot of things I do like about retail, but I am kind of out of it when it comes to wow currently.

Heck, retail wow in dragonflight would be like 60 percent better if blizzard added the old overworld and all the old dungeons back in for chromie time. That would be amazing in my op.

As opposed to now where you press your 3 Diseases, Howling Blast, Frost Strike and Oblit for a total of… 6 buttons


There were a bit more in wrath as well as hybrid options to. Main thing I miss about wrath, was the ability to put points in other specs, other than your main ones, to get extra abilities and stuff like that.

More buttons doesn’t equal more enjoyable, most casters in Vanilla were one button rotations (not counting their CD like a Mages Arcane Power/Combustion) and that was very enjoyable raiding.

The simplist rotation for a class that I can think of in Cataclysm is a Combat Rogue

Combat Rogue rotation
  1. Spam Sinister Strike until 5 combo points
  2. Cast and maintain Slice and Dice
  3. Spam Sinister Strike until 4 combo points
  4. Use Revealing Strike
  5. Use Eviscerate…
    …If you get 5 combo points without using Revealing Strike just use Eviscerate.
  6. Repeat until the target dies.

I’m currently using this spec in the Cataclysm pre-patch and I’m enjoying it quite a bit.

Very few classes did this and even then it’s wasn’t optimal for them to do so. It makes sense why Blizzard made the changes to the talent system.

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Nah man. The classes in my op, were simply at their all time best in wrath when it comes to all the old classes. Death knights to.

Like I never play how anyone else plays. And cata ruined the way I was playing on all the classes that I had in 2010.

And you’re entitled to hold that opinon, rotations change with every expansion and it makes sense that one has their favourite rotation associated to a specific expansion but I think outright saying that less buttons equals a less fun/boring class is untrue.