What specs are you using for delves and do you find it fun?

I’m not a Lock main, but I was Affliction in Vanilla and I’ll always love that spec. I’m currently taking my lock through some Delves as Demo and I find it a little boring. Mind you, I’m probably playing it poorly.

What spec are you playing and are you doing it for efficiency or for fun?

You’re probably playing it right. Demo is safe but boring.

I really like Shadow Priest. Their kit makes them extremely strong in delves. I always laugh when people who don’t understand priests use them as an example of a squishy cloth wearer. Squishiness doesn’t matter if nothing ever hits you.


Don’t let the priest forums see you saying something mildly positive about priest.

I’ve never seen a community more dedicated to self loathing.

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Personally I don’t play Demo unless it’s a raid. Demo is “ramp-up” dps so if it’s not something that is going to be alive for a while, Demo is rather slow.

Maybe thats what i should do. Affliction doesnt seem to do it for me in Delves. Ill try Shadow.

I’ve been having fun with MM Hunter, only using pet, if needed, on bosses.

Voidwalker can not hold threat on anything, he is useless.

Felguard can reliably hold threat but if he dies and you immediately resummon with Fel Domination he won’t be able to regain threat on your current enemies.

So, I use Demonology and pull big. If Felguard gets low on health in between pulls I will resummon him.
And, since Felguard tanking I don’t need a lot of healing which means I set Brann to damage.

Any Hunter pet can reliably hold threat much better than Voidwalker or Felguard. Something seems a little off regarding Warlock pet threat (especially VW) but it’s been like this for a while and it’ll never get fixed.

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Run Hellcaller Destro and melt packs like it’s M+.

Instant cast withers/Immolates are nice QoL in fast paced combat with multiple targets.

Putting Brann on heal pretty much trivializes Delves by the way

The healing pots heal your pet

I’m pretty sure the majority of them are secretly masochists.

Make a suggestion about buffing a spec and they’ll chew your head off for even suggesting such a thing.

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I don’t care about healing my Felguard.

If he dies or is low on health after a fight then I will just re-summon him with Fel Domination.

Yeah, having Brann on healing makes Delves easier but having him on damage and constantly re-summon Felguard makes them faster which is far more important.

I play destruction in them. Sometimes hellcaller, sometimes diabolist, depending on how lazy I’m feeling since the diabolist is just automatic. Both clear them just fine.

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I don’t do that as the Felguard struggles to regain aggro when you re-summon him. At lower levels, or if Zekvir decides to intervene directly, this usually results in a death-type situation.

I don’t really think demo has been all that fun since they removed metamorphosis and revamped it in legion. I know it’s been 9 years but I’m still kinda bitter about it :joy:

Destro is fun tho imo