What species did the Trolls evolve from?

Uhm, thats still a form of live.

I wonder why the Zandalari have such a “stone” like “texture” on their skin.

Sure, I didn’t say Trolls weren’t a form of life. I was responding to this.

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I know, I didn’t mean it as such. I meant the proto drakes. :wink:

What if the Drugbar are like the First Trolls that started the Evolution of the Troll Species? I mean they have hunched backs, Tusks, and they live in caves. Or different species of races of azeroth maybe?


This thread has had an odd revival & taken a strange turn. I just wanted to hear some theories on proto-trolls and possible evolutionary paths. I’m still sticking to the raptor shared ancestor head canon, because it’s cool.

No, Drogbar are not the first Trolls. They are a failed Titan experiment according to Xal’atath

That’s subjective sure. But it doesn’t make any sense. They don’t call themselves Gonks children or anything, they are also mamals. Nope, no.

They aren’t descended from any of the Loa, as far as I’m aware, even if they were, they would only call themselves that if they knew that, or atleast thought that was the truth. The Kaldorei call themselves ‘Children of the Stars’, doesn’t mean they’re literally the children of stars, and ‘Children of the Moon’ would make more sense for their religion anyway. I don’t see why the Proto-Troll ancestor couldn’t have been a mammalian raptor species that went extinct as it evolved into the modern Zandalari Troll. They share a few similar physical characteristics, you can interpret the Zandalari skin conidtion as scales, etc I’ve already mentioned all that… There’s 0 evidence for any of this, Kaz, I’m not stating it as fact. This is all just for fun theorization and you seem hellbent of striking down any & everything.

Well the reason they call themselves Kal’dorei is because Kalimdor means Land of Eternal Starlight. And Kalimdor is a titan word they discovered, not one they invented. So I think it follows well enough.

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There’s absolutely no background material on it at all. Warcraft is a setting for a wargame, not a treatise on evolutionary simulation.

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That’s why this thread is for fun, just thinking about all of the possibilities. I feel like some of y’all maybe taking this a bit too seriously & to heart. I just wanted to talk about what crazy things maybe possibly could have existed on Azeroth pre-Titan.

This is fair, but besides the point, I was just using an example of things not needing to be taken literally all of the time, albeit a poor example.


Yeah, I was just clarifying my thought on their name. Not trying to peg out the analogy which is sound.

Honestly, my pet theory is that it’s the other way around. I think the Drogbar were once a tribe of Trolls, because of things like their ears and tusks. Probably Dark Trolls, given their subterranean lifestyle. And it was exposure to the Hammer of Khaz’goroth (intentional or accidental) that shaped them into Drogbar. Sort of Night Elves-lite, since all they really got out of the deal was an appropriate number of fingers (and almost the right number of toes), since the Hammer wasn’t as powerful as the Well.


While that is true, there does seam to be a lot of similarities between Trolls and Drogbar.

https ://wow.gamepedia.com/File:Tauren_vs_drogbar.jpg

But the fact the Original Drogbar artworkd was vastly different in concept means that’s more coincidental.

https ://wow.gamepedia.com/File:Drogbar_concept_2.jpg
https ://wow.gamepedia.com/File:Drogbar_concept_3.jpg

Drogbar being possible “successful” offshoots of Troggs seams more likely.
But it would be hysterical if Dwarves and Trolls shared a common ancestor.

I don’t see any connection there.

Dwarves had common ancestors with a a bunch of other things in other myths and franchises. It also can’t work, becasue Trolls evolved from something natural.

Just a Theory through.

I thought they were like the First Trolls or something.

“Something” Natural. But you just don’t know what.
But you KNOW it’s “something” and it’s “Natural”… because reasons!

Sorta random off-topic query

One thing I never got is when people say that Trolls are one of the only ‘natural’ or ‘native’ species on Azeroth

Yet they wouldnt exist if it werent due to magic titan juice. So they didnt evolve naturally. They are an indirect titan creation, a by-product almost.

Heck what does natural even mean in regards to species anyways, even IRL, life on earth wouldnt exist if it werent for crazy new chemicals, compounds and substances that came from asteroids from outer space.

And then people claim things like the dwarves/earthen arent native species because they were created directly. But they were legit shaped and created directly from Azeroth’s flesh (the earth/stone) itself, so doesnt that make Titanforged more native to Azeroth than trolls who werent made from Azeroth but merely things that evolved as a by-product of the well’s creation?

Like…if we look at Azeroth the planet/titan as say…the human body.

Trolls and other “naturally evolved” species (Tauren etc.) would be like the microbes and bacteria on your body. Tiny living organisms that grew and live on your skin due to certain conditions. Where as the titanforged would be something akin to an actual fetus/baby, something made and created from the actual body and its cells. So doesnt that make the titanforged just as native, if not more so, to the planet?


Yes, we know that much.

Because they always were before Chronicles and even with Chronicles they still are.

That’s not entirely true. The Titan is part of Azeroth, so it is part of the planets nature. But the titans blood only accelerated their evolution. It didn’t start it.

Indeed. Dwarves were created by aliens as sort of “robots”. It’s simple.

Not at all. They were put there from aliens and are not titans. What a very strange comparison.


Depends on the use of natural. Personally, I think it is flawed in how the lore applies it. Ultimately even the Trolls were dependent on Titan intervention.

In Azeroth’s ancient days, natural life never had a chance to emerge due to the horrifying reign of the Old Gods. Without help, nature would not have risen at all. The titans knew this. One of their final acts of aid for us was to give the keepers the knowledge and power to reverse the Old Golds’ unspeakable destruction.

So the lore says ‘natural’ while still accepting their entire existence is because the Titans intervened to help them come about.