What spec do you think has the best spell visuals?

In your opinion, what specs have the best visuals?

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IMO the specs that have best spell visuals are: (in order)

  1. Destruction warlock
  2. Balance druid
  3. Arcane mage
  4. Holy priest
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Warlock, pal, dh, in that order

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Of those four, destro lock easily. Especially if you have green fire.

balance druid but its countered by a questionable phat bird look.

so warlock i guess.

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Destro? Are you people daft? Take a closer look sometime. Chaos bolt isn’t even animated properly! After the cast finishes it immediately has a trail, before it’s started travelling towards the enemy and clips through your character for a moment! How does this not drive everyone else insane like it does me??

well the next one is arcane mage and that one is bland af.

purple and … more purple… and purple again.
it’s not even the good purple. its a watered down pale purple.

I think arcane missiles and explosion look so cool but everything else, yeah, it looks bland

Boomkin all day, orbital support lasers ftw. My 2nd would be ele shaman though.

Thank you! how are you able to share links?

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It’s a Paladin talent.

I mean Trust Level 3… :rofl:

Holy Paladin is pretty cool with the book they cast out of and wings.

Balance druids make me go :star_struck:

Yes, it hurts my eyes, and no, I haven’t seen an optometrist yet.

and how do you gain trust level?

I may be a teeny, tiny bit biased here… Balance Druid!


Rather than retyping it all, here’s from the sticky.

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Frost mage. Especially in big aoe situations where you have four or five frozen orbs rolling at the same time.

It looks super cool.


Really surprised that Shadow priest is so high up. Void form looks cool but the rest isn’t great and it has so many spells that don’t fit the theme (Levitate, Power Word: Shield) or have “placeholder” affects like Shadow Mend.

I told the same. Shadow priest does not have any visuals besides shadow aparitions, void eruption and void bolt. All are lame except shadow aparition

Out of those 4? Holy priest

In my opinion in the game Holy Paladins