What song or playlist gets you the most hyped while playing WoW?

I generally just listen to wow itself. I have been listening to this band quite a bit lately, and even during wow.

When I REALLY want to get pumped: Kickstart My Heart by Motley Crue.

Otherwise I listen to stuff like Electric Callboy or some form of metal.

Currently on the turntable and in line to go

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Like many things in this game, the song We are Astronauts by Doves really touches me deeply. I think it’s because for most of my 54 years on this planet I have felt completely alone, this song brings us together.

When I walk through Grizzly Hills I feel a connection to Azeroth, the same feeling when walking through Ashenvale, and Winterspring.

When I play WoW I only listen to WoW.

I find the music in WoW to be a big part of immersion for myself. If I wanted to listen to other music that’s what I’d be doing.

I’m playing an RPG, the notion of listen to other things so I can multi-task is completely foreign to me.

When I need to get into a “LETS GOOOOOOO!!!” kind of mood.

I just listen to the my little pony songs.

This always goes hard, I love blasting it around 20-30 volume (normally a bit high for me, I usually go around 8-10)

That’s a bowl of ramen noodles

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I think she looks so beautiful, sexy and at peace. I really resonate with the lyrics

Have a good day cute worgen :blue_heart:

I was thinking to say something I really like but after thinking about it more

I thing Nine Inch Nails-“Everyday is exactly the same” fits wow to a T. So I listen to Deftones to try to drown out that song of what wow is to hype myself up.

But really haven’t been hyped about wow for a while and that makes me a bit bummed out.

Anything technical and progressive when I’m playing Arcane.

Anything related to dreampop and shoegaze when I’m playing Holy.

Deep house 2024

On Apple Music lol

I want to send this to my mother in law so bad. Idk if she will ever change since she is so ancient and sadly set in her ways and always thinks she is right even tho we’re all wrong at times :clown_face: