What skeleton do we use? (Kul Tiran)

We certainly don’t use the regular human. At first I thought male draenei but that’s not it. Anyone know what skeleton we use? is it an npc skeleton? or is it 100% original???

Kul Tiran’s are a brand new unique rig. They aren’t based off anyone else. It’s basically a new race.


Is that why we don’t have tattoos even though we’re a race of sailors and have the npcs have tattoos?

You don’t have tattoos because Blizzard probably ran out of time. They haven’t followed their “Release when its done” motto since Wrath.


Mm no I think that was just a decision to leave them out for whatever reason. The void elves don’t have tattoos either.

But we do have glowy hair with tentacles!

Yeah but you got a lot of other cool stuff. A literal sailor race doesn’t get tattoos even though most of the npcs have them. That’s a little silly, no?

Compare it to demon hunter demon forms maybe? But fatter?

I remember reading somewhere that they stretched out the Dwarf skeleton as a base.

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“Release when Actidad tells you to, decide wether to fix or dump by X.2” Seems to be the way since wod.


Naw none of the animations are remotely similar.

Nope just checked both of them. Nothing like KT either.

they barrow some stuff from the pandaren race


Male Kul Tirans run on a 100% unique rig. All their animations are not based off anything else.

Female Kul Tirans use -some- of the Female Human rig, but mostly unique in terms for most animations.

Not true, there’s not a single animation that is shared.

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i’m not saying this isn’t true, but i highly doubt it. they are all re-skins.

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It’s unique, but if anything it’s closest to Pandaren. When doing Trial of Style and everyone was in robes at the start, it was hard to differentiate a Panda from a KT.


Kul’Tirans are using the future skeleton / rig for my favorite race. . . .Mok’nathal! Come on Blizz and give me Rexxar race please.


I really don’t get how people manage to mistake the two.
https: //wow. zamimg. com/uploads/screenshots/small/638918.jpg
https:/ /wow. zamimg. com/uploads/screenshots/small/696784.jpg

People really have a hard time looking past the guts? There’s nothing similar to even remote silhouettes.

ok, sorry, they just looked super similar

Nope… Absolutely none of it. Is the only reason you think this because they’re both chubby? I tested all the animations I could think of and none of them are remotely the same. Usually casting isn’t changed or only very minorly when a new race borrows a skeleton.

[quote=“Chalices-moon-guard, post:13, topic:169250”]
Female Kul Tirans use -some- of the Female Human rig, but mostly unique in terms for most animations. [endquote]

I like their rig, I just wish we used regular human female casting. One of my fav in the game and belongs to boring regular humans.

Then it should be easy to say who’s skeleton they’re borrowing no? Ztroll males are heavily modified night elf male. The rest are more obvious.

They’re both tall, and chubby. That’s literally it…

Well Rexxar does share his skeleton with the Kul’tirans so one can hope!