What should we expect in CATA pre patch?

If there’s already a topic or article, please direct me. Search didn’t yield the info I am after. What will be different in the pre-patch phase than how the game is right now? Will there be world events/quests I should be careful not to miss? Any activities only available during that time? Do xp or profession points unlock?


Blizzard has a pretty good summary here: https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24064846/the-cataclysm-classic-pre-expansion-patch-goes-live-april-30

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Thanks Ant!

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Something not mentioned in that article is there is currently an event in the gnome/troll starting areas. Don’t know if it goes away with the prepatch or when Cata goes live.

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CATA telated event?

Yes! Zalazanes fall! Basically, you clean up echo isles to make it a troll starting area!

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and gnomes will be doing the same for the entry area to gnomer I suppose. I never played Horde at that point 1st time through. Can’t wait for the Very light Saber in the yeti cave by gnomer! I made need to make a gnome warrior to get it though.

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