What should my Gnome be?

Okay so I recently got the heritage armor for my Zandalari, and got him to 120 about an hour ago. Now i’m ready to work on another character! Which will be a Gnome! I want to get one to 120 before patch 8.2 so I can get their heritage armor!

I used to have a Gnome DK on my older realm, but I had to leave her behind when I moved over to Malfurion to play with some friends. That’s okay though, because i’m gonna be making another Gnome! I already have a name for her (Littledebbie) I just don’t know what class I want her to be. Any suggestions? What class do you think is best for a Gnome? The only reason my old Gnome was a DK was because I thought it would be funny to be a little sword wielding Gnome of death lol.

Edit: Thanks for the suggestions everyone! I decided to choose Hunter!


Warlock or Shadow Priest or Hunter or Mage (awesome sauce)

But whatever class you pick, you got roll with Engineering!


Oh don’t worry. She will definitely be an Engineer! I cant pass down those Goggle transmogs.

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Warrior, Rogue, or Surv Hunter… Something melee!

Escape artist is too good not to utilize.

…can never keep ahold of those gnomes when I’m trying to bestow N’zoth’s gift upon them.


I say Gnome Hunter especially with all the mechanical pets you can get.


I vote warrior. Nothing like us small races wearing plate, carrying a shield, and tanking the big baddies. Don’t like tanking, then fury my friend. Duel wielding giant 2 handlers as a gnome will turn you into a deathball, bladestorming you’re way to victory!


Might I suggest a warrior? I RP this character as a gnome who creates weaponized prosthetic limbs. His physical strength comes from those. I think it fits very well with Mechagon.

-Delwizz “Danger Zone” Steelgear



Perhaps, one day soon, you will be able to actually see those prosthetics visualized if we get the junker gnomes as an allied race.

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Both Hunter and Warrior sound like a lot of fun for a Gnome character. I might make her one of those classes, even if I already have 3 other Warriors xD

Thanks for the suggestions guys!


He should be food

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I’ll be hard to eat if you’re missing all your teeth.

Gnomish Battle Rage Protocols Engaged


The mechabunny pet is pretty awesome… I would go with that. And congrats on making a Gnome! You will love it. :slight_smile:



I know what tauren use them for in the woods.

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Personally I am a fan of rare race combinations.

I say go either Priest, Monk, or Hunter. Since you have been Melee with DK and Rogue, you might find priest to be a refreshing change of pace!

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I’m thinking about rolling a Gnome myself, Mage is my current choice. I would go Hunter and only use robot pets but I already have one and don’t want to race change him again.

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I was going to recommend exactly this for the same reasons. Mage would be my second choice.


Dead? I feel the gnome should be dead is the best answer.

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Whatever you say Elf #6540964609. I mean, if you’re gonna roll Alliance, Gnomes are the best choice bar none. Waggly space goats are a close second.


Hunter is the best Gnome Class because guns and robots.

But whatever you pick, what your Gnome really should be is… Cute :smiley:


Hmmm… that’s a good question. Let me think on this a moment.

You are sweet, so I’m definitely thinking of more of a dessert dish than a savory dish. Normally, I enjoy woodfire grilled gnome kabobs, but I’m feeling for you more of a Kul Tiran or Gilnean style pudding. Maybe with raisins or currants!

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