Okay so I recently got the heritage armor for my Zandalari, and got him to 120 about an hour ago. Now i’m ready to work on another character! Which will be a Gnome! I want to get one to 120 before patch 8.2 so I can get their heritage armor!
I used to have a Gnome DK on my older realm, but I had to leave her behind when I moved over to Malfurion to play with some friends. That’s okay though, because i’m gonna be making another Gnome! I already have a name for her (Littledebbie) I just don’t know what class I want her to be. Any suggestions? What class do you think is best for a Gnome? The only reason my old Gnome was a DK was because I thought it would be funny to be a little sword wielding Gnome of death lol.
Edit: Thanks for the suggestions everyone! I decided to choose Hunter!
I vote warrior. Nothing like us small races wearing plate, carrying a shield, and tanking the big baddies. Don’t like tanking, then fury my friend. Duel wielding giant 2 handlers as a gnome will turn you into a deathball, bladestorming you’re way to victory!
Might I suggest a warrior? I RP this character as a gnome who creates weaponized prosthetic limbs. His physical strength comes from those. I think it fits very well with Mechagon.
Both Hunter and Warrior sound like a lot of fun for a Gnome character. I might make her one of those classes, even if I already have 3 other Warriors xD
I’m thinking about rolling a Gnome myself, Mage is my current choice. I would go Hunter and only use robot pets but I already have one and don’t want to race change him again.
Hmmm… that’s a good question. Let me think on this a moment.
You are sweet, so I’m definitely thinking of more of a dessert dish than a savory dish. Normally, I enjoy woodfire grilled gnome kabobs, but I’m feeling for you more of a Kul Tiran or Gilnean style pudding. Maybe with raisins or currants!