Ended up snagging a few names I wanted but now I can’t decide. I’ve got Badderdragon, Baddestdragn, Rawrimdwagon, Rawrimmaderg, and Rrerrimaderg.
Don’t judge me uwu
Ended up snagging a few names I wanted but now I can’t decide. I’ve got Badderdragon, Baddestdragn, Rawrimdwagon, Rawrimmaderg, and Rrerrimaderg.
Don’t judge me uwu
Hmm just based on the name you have now
I say SparkleDragonUwu
It’s far too late for that.
I managed to get Toothless on my realm.
o man this just made me realize i should have been reserving dragon names like last night T_T
Sometimes I wonder what our society would be like if we lost WW2…
I got Envokir for my dragon
MarkZuckerberg (make the model skinny like a lizard)
for starters, we’d all be vegans.
i’m naming myself in Draconic, forget the haters.
nah, i’d be a cannibal.
I already have a Legolas reserved on my serfer
Probably “Flappy” since we will be doing a lot of ‘flapping’ on our dragons until we can fully fly at a much later date lol
I once remember seeing someone RPing as Spyro the Dragon.
“Ripto opened a portal and I fell in!” was their excuse.
So yeah, if I see a frelling Spyro, I’m going to cry.
So much material here…
I don’t want to get banner though
All the basic names were already taken. I’d love to roll an Evoker named Spyro.
But I’m going with Nuidormu, since I’ll most likely going to be playing the new healer spec.
Drakey Bobby
If you’re not first, you’re last.
Puff or Spyro