That’s what I would get if I was getting a quality case right now. And it’s only $100.
I ordered my 275r Airflow just before the 4000D launched. I like it still, and won’t change, not of I were to do it again and if I knew, I would have gone with that.
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I mainly went with it because it has good airflow and no RGB. It’ll be under my desk so I’ll never see it.
I like RGB. The 275r has good airflow too, though not as good as the 4000d, but also has some good RGB capabilities. I have mine under the desk too, but I sneak a peek from time to time.
My new case that I got for my ultra budget leftover parts bin build is the Rosewill FBM-X2, which has a solid side panel and no frills at all. It’s going behind the big plant in the living room next to the TV.
I got the 700d airflow edition its nice.
Btw my comp went to the shadowlands just now. Wont boot up any of my hard drives. Prolly gonna order my parts soon and get a cheap gpu for now
Sad but i saw it coming long ago. This y i need a back up comp too
I just rebuilt my PC. I went with Ryzen 7 3700X. My brother and I did quite
a bit of research. All of the tech and PC sites basically said the same thing.
There is not enough of a performance difference between the Ryzen
7 3700X, and the new Ryzen 9’s, in video games, to make it worth
paying so much. The plus side is the Ryzen 7 3700X is not as
expensive. It is also not sold out everywhere (bought mine from Newegg)
Im doing my research rn but its slow. My comp just died tonight and only got my phone.
My hard drives wont connect so it wont boot. Dont think its the satas because 1 shows up but rarely in the bios and the other doesnt at all.
I almost bought that case a couple years ago but decided to go with a Cooler Master C700M which to me has better aesthetics and a better quality made case
could always try clearing CMOS to see if that fixes things
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I’ve got an old Cooler Master, monster of a case. Been running 11 years and everything is still kicking. Probably if I don’t like the one that came with my new build ( my wife ordered it with a Thermaltake) it’s what I’m going to buy again.
I’ll probably reuse this old one for a back up.
Sadly i did fixea only 1 hd once in a great while tried.many times.same issues. I mean it runs but just cant boot windows even in bios it shows no hard.drives. clear cmos shows 1 hard drive only. Try again both gone