What server is OnlyFangs on?

Deciding to give HC a 4th try. Lately, I’ve seen many videos of a guild called OnlyFangs, thought would be fun to play on the same server as them. Anyone know what HC server they play on?

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Probably not the only new one on anniversary with every other player on it try any other one XD

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Classic client → Anneversary tab on server list → Doomhowl, Horde faction.


forget that clownshow :expressionless: just play on defias. it’s still plenty busy


The dramatic gate keepers killed defias. Doomhowl is way more relaxed.


how exactly are people on defias “gatekeeping” :expressionless:

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Trying to keep other players from playing the game, getting into groups, trigger happy culture on that server to “blacklist” players which aren’t based on any facts. So for example I had a player accuse me of ninja looting. Really he was just mad because we were using need before greed loot system because we want players to equip items rather than sell them on the AH. Following his false accusation, officers of the major guilds messaged me letting me know that I was “blacklisted” without ever caring to know the facts, watch my video/audio of the alleged ninja’ing, or to hear my side of the story. Really strange when you think multiple officers from naxx guilds are concerned how loot is disposed of in a LBRS, for example. This is just one example off the top of my head but I’ve experienced similar things multiple times on Defias Alliance. Really a lot of drama queens over there. Glad to be out of their domain. I’m all for exposing ninjas or other wrongdoers but the way it’s done on Defias, it’s almost like a witch hunt feeling.


This go around has been really chill. They’re not doing anything disruptive. 99% of my interactions with other players has been good. I was in a group where someone said to me another player was a griefer. But, the run went smooth. They didn’t speak English was all.


Maybe you should quit ninjaing.

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It was a false accusation, if that wasn’t made clear. Mage got mad that he couldn’t need on the skull flame shield to sell it against the warrior that wanted to equip it.


are they going self-found or na?


na that’s ninjain
epics are all need, I need that gold as much as that warrior needs the shield. If he wins he wins, if I win he can buy it off me. You got blacklisted for good reason. BoEs are BoEs. If you told him he couldn’t roll need when he clearly could (cause you didn’t have ML on, and the game let him roll) those should be the rule and not the arbitrary ones you decided on. I’m glad you got blacklisted, players like you ruin the experience of others.

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Not when loot rules were posted at start of run that equip comes before AH.


That’s literally what happened. They needed.
He lost.
He got mad.
Whats hard to understand?


posted loot rules lol
what were the loot rules set to in game? those ARE the loot rules
if you want to make sure people are following your rules you gotta set it to master loot and do it all manually.

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Ill always love DP and have my mains there, but the new servers are just better. Instant mail between toons and if you die they can xfer to the servers that will be moving towards TBC.

if you plan on dying and like TBC, i guess that’s a plan, sure :expressionless:

But its not a pvp server you can make characters on both factions lol

Why you posting from a level 10 alt then


Because agane lol