What role do you never play?

Ooops, above by Loki should have been by me…

Healer. People blame the healer for anything and everything even when it’s not their fault. That’s not something I find fun.

My pally is a tank (or at least was in Legion) but I won’t tank for anyone but my kids.



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I have only played healer a few times, then hurriedly switched to Shadow Priest on my alt. It’s just too stressful for me to heal BGs and I gotta tip my durotan wolf helm at those that do. It was fun when we had good dps though in the 90-99 bracket, other than that I never heal.

Melee DPS. If I’m to be in melee I want to be the tank otherwise I’m out.

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Same for me.

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tank for the most part.

i used to tank gold challenge modes on my dk back in mop, and even normal/heroic soo. after that though, tanking just felt too stressful to me.

Honestly, I think everyone should try out every spec at least once. It gives you a better understanding of what the other people you group with do.

That being said, I have a druid tank I just got to 120. I don’t like it much. Maybe guardian just isn’t good right now or maybe I just suck at it. I rolled her to try and help out. So few tanks in the game and all. But people are just so nasty to that one role they rely on. Not only to stay alive but the tank seems to be automatically elected to lead your blind but through the encounter. (Which I never understood). I’ll keep trying though. And so sould everyone else to get an idea of what they go through.

I have a few healers and I enjoy them as well. I enjoy mage and rogue too. Haven’t been able to level them to current yet though. At the end of the day, I love my warrior. He’s my main and the toon I started the game with way back when. I know it so well that I always do decent on him so that’s where my comfort zone is.

To answer the question… I really can’t think of one I wouldn’t at least try… although warlock seems like something I couldn’t get into. But I suppose that a class and not a spec. I can’t really say that there is one spec I wouldn’t play.

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Healing, by far.

I did a short stint playing Disc Priest in ICC progression. That was kinda fun. Most of the time, I freak out when I see all those health bars drop at once.

No thanks.

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Tank or healer. I like both roles and play them in other mmo’s but in wow the community in pugs is so toxic I won’t bother.
I really enjoy healing and tanking in other games but alas won’t do it here.

DPS and Tank, i can play them if i need to but healer is the only Role i really enjoy doing.


I mained a Holy Priest in MoP, but the problem is that I’m very OCD when it comes to staying in one spec for EVERYTHING I do, so I couldn’t keep healing when more expansions rolled out. I didn’t have it in me to level a healer, it feels super frustrating.

But I actually enjoying healing quite a bit.

I avoid any roles on moon guard

well played

I mainly play healers with a few dps here and there. I tried tanking a long long time ago and just couldn’t do it - too much pressure, too much boss crotch (same reason I don’t really play my melee toons very much).

I find healing to be way less stressful than dps’ing, but that is probably just because I’ve done it for so long.

Bottom. Nevah evah.

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I don’t like DPSing. Like, I’ll do DPS in leveling content, but for any dungeons or PVP, I strongly, strongly prefer to tank or heal. Interestingly, I fear being judged for poor performance as a DPS far more than I fear judgment for poor performance for heals/tank

I hate most ranged dps

I tanked 5-mans in Cata on my Warrior. Loved it a lot. And, if I may be allowed a moment of pride, I was good at it. But then, the AM changes were added. I am not a particularly confident person; set backs that are small for most people can easily demoralize me. Especially when other people run their mouths. So losing a lot of passive survivability wasn’t really welcome for me. Fast forward to today and I am okay with it now. But I don’t run group content anymore, so my tanking is for me, myself, and I.

I used to play a Resto Druid twink in the 39 bracket back in the day. Really enjoyed it. And when they announced the PvP experience gain with a separate bracket for those who didn’t want it, I was excited. I could play against all the best players and have a blast. So I turned exp off, joined a twink queue, and 3 hours later got my first game. -.-

Kinda sorta gave up healing after that. I genuinely wanted to try out Resto Shaman this expansion which, in turn, genuinely surprised me (because I tend to forget Shamans can heal.) Even went so far as to practice in the Proving Grounds and actually work out how to do everything. Had fun, even if I never quite made it to gold, and was looking forward to the future. But then BfA launched, I leveled my Hunter main, ran a couple dungeons while leveling, and instantly remembered why I stopped running group content. So the healing dream died.

I pretty much just stick to damage these days. And, in recent months, mostly just my Hunter. For the first time ever, I don’t have all my toons to max level before the first major patch. Kinda surprised me.


In Vanilla, I was mostly a DPS, but started healing with a shaman because our guild was short on healers. Never was Main heals, just backup. After BC came around, I stopped healing…completely.

Started tanking in WoD with a DK and Paladin, and now do it exclusively. Only on occasion will I play my DPS classes (usually for some required quest).