What role do you never play?

Dps ,not because i don’t like it but because its the worst role in-order to save time for me which is kinda ironic since dps roles kills things faster.

Its why i liked scenarios and island expeditions to a point as i could play these roles freely :slight_smile:

Tank. I used to do it regular enough but there’s always someone you’re not fast enough for or needs to pull more etc. I refuse to do it unless it’s for a very small group of people I know

i havent tanked above heroic level dungeons… done plenty of healing, used to really like it, especially in PvP, and used to be really good at it. now im way out of practice, and mostly just do the casual level stuff as dps.

maybe someday ill find friends, or have friends come back and ill jump into either healing or tanking if need be.

Too add on to the tank problem, especially for BfA, I don’t enjoy Guardian or Prot War nearly as much as Legion. :frowning:

Ranged DPS. Haven’t played that role since my boomkin back in WotLK.

I never formally tank, do a lot of Evasion tanking however and have saved a pull, 15 seconds is a long time when everyone is waiting for that Rez to happen for the tank or when everyone is dead except you and you can DPS and Tank the final 5 to 1 percent depending on boss and what expansion. Funny I started as a healer and everyone said I was good at it. My one rule, complain about my heals and chances are you may die. That was in Vanilla before Healbot and all the add on’s.

Melee is just so much more challenging then Caster DPS to me, you have to react and perform and be ready for anything.

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Healer. I’m fundamentally bad at it because other players’ health bars don’t interest me. I managed to finish all the healer challenges in Legion by outgearing them, but it felt like watching paint dry.

Cinnamon. Oh role. Sorry.


Melee dps is the only role I don’t enjoy. I enjoy tanking (DK, Monk or Paladin), Healing (Druid, Shaman, Paladin) and ranged DPS (Mage, Hunter, Shadow Priest, Moonkin, Warlock). Whenever I try to melee dps on rogue, monk, paladin, druid or shaman I just get really bored and frustrated.

Is this even a thing in 2018?

What role will I never play?


Healer. I just don’t have the patience or temperament to pull it off.

I’m comfortable doing just about everything else, but melee DPS is my favorite

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Yup. A lot of them around. Some aren’t even subbed or hate the game and just post to poo on everything.

But forum moderation is working nicely so it’s been okay on these new forums. Kinda.

Tanking. I’m too careful as a tank so I take my time to make sure the team is safe.

People don’t like it because they wanna get in and get out. I mean I understand but still.

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I have all classes but I can’t really play casters, I suck at them… Well I suck at everything that is a DPS.

DPS are fun in groups but being by myself… Man, is hard, mages are so fragile that I don’t really understand how people play them, I know is a me problem, but still.

Warlocks on the other hand are easier due to their personal tank but I still suck at them.

Warriors, love them but I can’t really grasp their game play as DPS.


Healer and tank I tried tanking in MOP when blood was unstoppable as tank but now rather stay dps.

I play all roles every once in a while, but I least often do ranged DPS. Healing next after that, then melee DPS and tanking about even.

I don’t heal. It seems like it’s simultaneously the most stressful and most boring of roles.

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Tank. I have never tanked and will never attempt it. I know myself and I would be terrible. I also dont like melee. Healing and RDPS it is for me.

Heals. It’s very hard to swap roles as a GL in an RP guild. I managed to pick a fight with my alt when we needed a tank, and found tanking to be enjoyable. However, it impacted the guild negatively to not have the GL in the raid.

I’d love to try healing. If I knew then what I know now, I’d have created Moss as a Druid. :confused: