What role do you never play?

I play all roles, but I do tend to shy away from DPS. Way too many these days, and I like helping out the queue times. =)

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I have to be in melee, I’ve tried being a caster or healer but it never works well. My shaman will always be enh, duids bear/cat, haven’t tried survival since it changed but I have a hunter in the around lvl 90 that I could.

Out in the world leveling I’m fine as ranged but it all goes down the tubes when I’m in a group.

None. I have a go at all of them from time to time.
If I were to rank what I do:
I would say the bulk of the time in groups I’d heal, then a bit of tanking, then ranged DPS and melee DPS last.

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I never play catcher…


I’m someone who can enjoy almost any spec, that being said I find myself not enjoying melee to much this expansion and I don’t have a tank yet.

in Cata and MoP my blood dk was one of my first alts lvl’d and now she’s just benched in Dalaran.

This was my problem. I healed everyone and kept them topped off and soon ran out of mana.

Yeah, because FFXIV doesn’t really do dedicated healing, or even integrating dps and heals in the skills (e.g. disc priest). You’re basically expected to be a dps with dps spells/skills and occasionally throw out a heal.

This is actually one of the things I don’t like about FFXIV healing role. I know it would be a challenge to allow for a pure healing role, but they could at least make spells/skills more integrated with dps/healing like disc priest or other hybrid heal-by-dps classes in WoW.

I’ve played all of them, but I like tank the least.

It’s not so much the mechanics or the responsibility, it’s the fact that I have the directional sense of a moth near an open flame.

If you lead me through the corridors straight to the boss and tell me to tank it, I can do it. But if you expect me to actually lead the group through the dungeon, prepare to be lost for twenty minutes and run into approximately fifty dead ends before half the group quits in frustration.


I’ve never enjoyed the tanking role. I’m more of an individual that likes to heal or help others.

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Tanking at max level, because I can’t be bothered reading up about boss mechanics. Me smash

Tank at anything considered “high level”.

I once almost ruined a Tribute to Insanity run filling in for a tank that was sick. I messed up the rotation on H Anub and just the fear of tanking it all for the first time was so stressful. I just haven’t done it seriously ever since, I’ll do it to mess around on alts, but ill never offer to fill in that role again in like a main run.


Depends, which is a lame answer i guess.
To be honest, tho my main is a mage, dps is my least favorite role. Vanilla-cata healed a lot, since legion tanked a lot.
I like the extra responsibility tbh, comes with a certain amount of uniqueness and flair

That’s more if you play White Mage. If you play Astrologist then you busy yourself with throwing out buffs in between your heal/shields. (Wether you throw out heals or shields depends on what the other healer is)

I’ve played all, but only quit 1. After sarthrion 3d, I quit healing. You can piss right off reflect drake and melee instantly gibbing themselves

Melee DPS.

I’ve tried all the roles at least once. I was an okay healer and sometimes a passable tank, depended on my group. I’m the best as a DPS though. That’s my place and that’s what feels right. Kind of no wonder I’m always playing Ret, because being support just suits me.

i have tried them all, but as of now i only queue up my tank alts for holiday bosses, never for relevant dungeon finder content.

my paladin alts were originally holy spec and during my pvp days in cataclysm, i would sometimes have them in holy for tol barad and random BGs. i was never any more proficient at healing otherwise for any other content

I won’t tank at all. I go full on panic mode but I will heal and DPS. I mostly heal raids. I am also very confident in my healing. My guild raid would raid heroic Antorus and the other healers struggled through most of the mechanics so I usually wound up solo healing most of that fight. I can handle that pressure but if it’s tanking, you’d see me screaming and panicking the whole time.

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I play them all.

Want to be lazy and forgiven for being an idiot? Be dps.
Want to be a cry baby who gets loot fed to them, be a tank/healer.

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I only tank lower level dungeons or the occassional LFR.

Save the big boss role for the people who don’t stress and know what they are doing.