There is a lot of requested ideas on these forums. Some which are more or less popular. Everyone has that one request they absolutely hate. What is yours?
Changes to the AH because paying attention shouldn’t apply to the poster.
The removal of factions
Adding a third copy/paste of the Blood Elf model as a race.
Removing all class/race restrictions! Some of the ones we have no do not make any sense, why does anyone want to make it worse?!?
Anyone who asks for this I automatically assume does not read quest text and/or cares nothing for the lore.
Some people want this game to be world of elfcraft.
Same as Greenguy’s…
- Playable ogres. Too big, and most are too dumb anyways
- Undead Paladins. Paladins infuse themselves with holy light, so an undead paladin should explode. I think the rare cases we see them are supposed to be rare.
- Delete LFR/LFG. Just don’t run them?
More Blood Tr Elf requests. They want everything and they want it before anyone else or they want it and no one else. They were extremely vociferous over Void Elf.
I love this though
right down to a smoking pile of ash.
- Nerfing certain classes because they’re ‘too OP.’ Literally just buff the bottom rungs of the tier list and give people more ways to be competitive (buffs, other QOL stuff)
Yeah, this one too. It’s not hard to read. It literally gives the poster and purchaser a preview of their total costs. Don’t tunnel the AH.
Removal of factions (not cross-faction grouping though) or unlocking all race/class combos probably annoy me the most.
removal of flying completely. pvp specific gear (i like my gear to be equally usable in all forms of content). removal of raid tiers (like, i do heroic raiding but i’ll still jump into lfr on an alt to goof around). theres more but i cant remember them.
I mean… there are as many species of humans as there are Elves. No one seems to complain about that.
That said, as to the OP, my least favorite request is probably asking for Worgen to have tails. Warcraft Worgen do not have tails. No one cares about what earth werewolves have. They’re not earth werewolves, they’re not wolves. They’re worgen. Accept it.
It varies depending on what the hot button forum issues are at a given time, but right now? M+ queue.
More playable elves. This game has too many of them already, it’s the last thing it needs and yet people keep asking for more and more.
I see nothing but a bush? What are you talking about.
Player housing. Never understood the fascination of it.
Faction removal: cornerstone of the game. Should never be removed.
Player Housing: I just don’t get it. It serves no purpose.