Incarnation Cat and Bear armor. For players it was removed and replaced with a red blot below the body. NPCs still have it as a permanent effect, I want it back!
now im sad. i know i had that on my pally back in the day but for obvious reasons i didnt hold onto it when i out leveled it.
all of the unobtanium i have i tend to use. i still use the aotc mounts ill run around in the mop cm druid armor every few months and i obviously still use the mage tower weapon skins on a bunch of classes. oh i also use most of the t3 warlock transmog for my clothies.
as far as things i didnt get but would use if it came back would obviously be atiesh with the most likely class being my druid using it. benediction for my priest since i didnt have a proest over lvl 40 back then and like everyone else i would be using the dreadnaught set with corrupt ashbringer. oh yea and the wod season 1 elite pvp set for dk and the df season 1 pvp set for priest. if i could also get my tabard of the protector back that i got for the bc prepatch that would be nice to. it went missing while i took a break from wow and blizzard said it went missing while i was inactive and it was to long ago to do anything about so i lost getting to keep it
If I could I’d use the Zulian tiger every time I play. Was my intention to but farming it was easier said than done when I went to do so as they what axed it in Cata right? I had a real hard time finding groups to run ZG and everytime I did I told them the only thing I want from the run was the tiger but it never dropped. Then they flat out removed it entirely like they did the Black Scarab mount. I wasn’t too crazy for the scarabs, I mean besides joining guildies and ending up with red, blue, green, and yellow I never use them. I’d love to see the ZG tiger return and get my hands on it.
Disguised daily mage tower post is disguised…
You’ll get my precious xmog, but hopefully by earning them in mage tower if this game has any shred of integrity left.
And modern day bear skin or agatha are not earning it. Those are gimmes.
Its asking what people would use, not asking for anything to come back.
This is more a case of, if people keep asking for stuff to return, what stuff in particular are people sad they dont own.
Tell you the truth they should bring a update on the old cosmetics because data doesn’t last forever.This the reason when they archive old films and copy them over to keep them fresh ,with this many old ones in the game some would start to see their age and become fuzzy and distorted.
But if they did it would be for some dungeon or raid making it difficult to get.
Nothing I haven’t already earned. I used the green fire on my warlock for a few years, but I didn’t get it during MoP, I was/am really bad at warlock, tried getting the title for a few weeks at the end of the expack and gave up. After a while it felt bad to use it without the feeling of accomplishment, so I changed back to regular fire.
If I could hop on a time machine and earn something when it was still achievable: MoP Phoenix mount. So pretty.
The Undead Slaying sets from the Wrath pre-launch event. I got the plate set and use it on my Paladin. Would love to be able to get the other three armor types for a Priest, Hunter, and Rogue.