What realms are connected to which?

Anyone have the latest list?


For OCE (Population data from Raider.io):

Host Realm Connected Realms Population
Barthilas none 105k, 94% Horde
Caelestrasz Nagrand / Saurfang 119k, 55% Alliance
Frostmourne Dreadmaul / Gundrak / Jublei’Thos / Thaurissian 215k 73% Alliance
Khaz’goroth Aman’Thul / Dath’Remar 102k, 60% Alliance

EDIT: Mixed Cael/Khaz data in chart thats fixed now.


we need to invade Barth, it is imperative that we have constant control of the Maw.

Stick this in a macro, and you can see which realms you’re connected to.

/run local realms=GetAutoCompleteRealms() s="" if(realms[1]) then s="\nConnected Realms:" for k, v in pairs(realms) do s=s.."\n"..v end else s="Your realm is not connected." end print(s)


Barthilas alliance need some love

Thanks for this :smiley: