What rare characters do you enjoy seeing in RP?

I’m too prone to panic to start roleplaying myself (despite talking myself into starting someday, that someday have been waiting for 2 years now) but i had an idea for my draenei shaman but didnt knew a male draenei was such an oddity in the community ^^’

Most Pandaren RPers aren’t those types. Sadly it’s just a minority of people that seem to stick in the minds of others

I am always very glad and excited to see people RP as “simple” characters with standard professions (sailors, lumberjacks, waiters, sanitation workers, etc…). But, they would classify as rare and aren’t too common.
It adds a sort of civilian nature to the city and these characters are usually very open to RP since they understand that their working class character does not have any crazy powers. Refreshing and always fun to see.


I LOVE RPing as a commoner! It sort of puts you into a pseudo NPC status and always offers story hooks to so many RP opportunities!

This is making me miss my commoner character.
A bit of a hustler, but it’s a means to make end’s meet when other work dries up.

Night Elves older than 30 and born on Teldrassil boggle my mind. Teldrassil wasn’t around more than 30 years ago… >.>


Serious Mechagnomes. People who really want us quad-amputee folk to be as fun without all the jokes of our terrible pants choice.

I also enjoy commoners who aren’t ex-military or magi. Or commoners who’s magical talents are purely business related. These are themes that really bring out the heroes in others.


Sometimes this is from new roleplayers not knowing better. I have a friend who started as a NE and even though she read up on them, there is just so much lore for NE that she missed it. Someone said something to her and she fixed it right away.

It also doesn’t help that nothing about Teldrassil makes sense. Darnassus in particular looks ancient, and the whole zone conveys a sense that a culture and ecosystem has been established there for a long time. I won’t even get into how they were able to grow a zone-sized tree (read: stump) in at most a few years or how it holds an entire planetary crust of land and soil, with hills, caves, and old-growth forest on top. Or how it looks nothing like the somewhat more plausible concept art, which shows pathways winding up the trunk and buildings scattered among the branches, all on a much smaller scale.

But I digress.


A bit of a digression from the current direction of the topic, but I really appreciate Light-worshipping/Light-following characters who are not zealous or, if you’ll forgive my crassness, nothing more than people trying to fulfill cringe, “Deus Vult xD” RP fantasis.

IIRC, the Tanari guild(s) on WrA brought about much handwringing because it wasn’t canon; the whole idea of nomadic humans in Tanaris and other areas of southern Kalimdor was basically fanfic. I thought it was a fun idea, personally, but the outcry on the server forums was epic.

That’s a shame, because to me, it makes perfect sense. Pirates exist in the game and the lore, there has been major ocean traffic for a long time in-universe, not every culture is gonna stay static.

Plenty of humans could have jumped on a ship and ended up in Tanaris at any point and then developed their own cultures and societies.


Plus aside from one small presence, Tanaris is as lawless as it gets. It could quite easily be Azeroth’s answer to Tortuga for all manner of nefarious sea dog.

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Isn’t there an actual kingdom there now organized by the Wastewanders? I could’ve swore it was a thing in BFA.

“Kingdom” might be a little far fetched, but they’re definitely more organized than they were pre-assault. In the context of social groups, they seem more like a nomadic tribe.

I’d honestly love to see more characters in this context! It’s a refreshing change from your more run of the mill Stormwindians or others belonging to established groups.


Roleplaying a commoner is tough. I’ve tried in the past, but always gave it up to something or changed the character. :frowning:

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Low powered/NPC level characters are AMAZING. I always have way more fun interacting with them than I do the big high stakes, nobility and badass sort. Beyond that, female gnomes always wind up being just adorable, and I genuinely wish we’d see more racial variety.

Agreed. I thought it was a great idea, and most of my interactions with the Tanari/Wastewander/Southsea RPers on WrA were positive.

I think I remember there being some sort of dust up over RP character names being modeled after traditional Arabic name structure, but don’t quote me on that.

There’s a big issue with it over on the EU forums, there’s an Uldum community that’s basically playing Arabian Nights and it’s…not ok how they’re characterizing the culture.

I love the idea of a Wastewander/Tanari kingdom but it needs to be done respectfully.

Agreed. I have a rogue who wanders around Old Town shooting rats and bagging them for the sanitation department. And then, just the other day, I logged into him, stepped into an alley, shot a rat, and came face to face with a character called, “The Rat King.” Completely random moment, which led to an amazing bit of RP.


Lol I don’t know why, but this reminded me of my gnome. He’s a claims inspector for Stormwind Insurance. Just goes around town and watches for fights by adventurers, then evaluates all the collateral damage that gets done to all the shops and homes of NPC’s.

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