Which ones?
Is it just the elves and trolls? Everything else is an alien, or a titan creation cursed with flesh
Which ones?
Is it just the elves and trolls? Everything else is an alien, or a titan creation cursed with flesh
Out of those playable, Vulpera, Pandaren and Trolls are really the only true natives. (As in, they showed up without any external involvement after the Ordering.)
Tauren were made from a Wild God which is a Titan creation. Elves were changed into what they are by Titan influence via the Sunwell/Well of Eternity.
Correct me if I’m wrong of course
None of them, maybe all of them?
This debate over which races are “natural” on a planet which has been under the constant influence of cosmic forces is just strange. For example, can we really call all Troll races natural to Azeroth? Most of them were influenced by the Sundering, so are they now natural? Humans evolved on Azeroth from another race which lived on Azeroth, so are they native and natural?
This is where this idea of “natural” races on Azeroth becomes pointless. Across most of WoW lore, there has been some sort of outside influence on Azeroth. Yes, races like the Trolls have had the least outside influence, but they still were influenced.
No races to Azeroth are “native.” None are “aliens.” Its just a spectrum.
Playable Races:
Tauren - Evolved from Yaungol - Who were naturally Evolved from Yaks and enhanced by Cenarius.
Pandaren - Naturally Evolved Azerothian wildlife, though enslaved by Titan Creations (Mogu), and possibly modified/uplifted as a result.
Trolls - Naturally Evolved Azerothian wildlife.
Night Elves - Evolved from Trolls through Divine/possibly direct Azeroth interference due to proximity to the Well of Eternity and thus Native to Azeroth.
Nightborne - Evolved from Night Elves
High Elves - Evolved from Night Elves
Blood Elves - Evolved from/essentially the same thing as High Elves. Difference is creed, not race.
Void Elves - Evolved from Blood Elves
Vulpera - Naturally evolved Azerothian wild-life.
Goblins - Evolved from Gilbin through titan interference, but native to Azeroth. May be considered an uplifted natural species.
Humans - evolved Vrykul - Titan creations.
Worgen - Cursed Humans
Forsaken - undead Humans
Dwarfs - cursed Earthen - Titan creations.
Gnomes - cursed MechaGnomes - Titan creations.
Draenei - Aliens
Orcs - Titan-Uplifted Aliens
Trolls, Tauren, Vulpera, Pandaren, goblins and Elves of the playable ones.
There are some caveats to that though.
Elves are mutated trolls by the Well of Eternity, though still a natural race, and Goblins were modified I think by Mimiron at some point before being abandoned and later further changed by Kajamite. Things like that.
Some other non-playable off the top of my head…
Naga, Sethrak, Troggs, Gnolls, Quillboar, murlocs…
Bunch of native races to Azeroth.
I’d argue Titan creations and their descendants are still technically native to Azeroth as they were still created on Azeroth; and in some cases specifically stated to be made from Azerothian materials.
Elves are mutated trolls
Of the playable races. Only the dreanei and orcs are aliens.
Forsaken are not really a race in the literal sense. They are a bunch of undead individuals of various races that share a common goal and work together.
By logical definition they are a organization. Like the mafia or a gang.
Canonically most of the original forsaken where raised lorderon humans and helfs arthas killed. Other peoples got killed and raised as time went on.
Tauren. Everyone else is a trespasser and should gtho.
None but the elementals were native to Azeroth. All of the other races were either Titan influence or Old God influence.
They’re all natives. Even those descended from the titan-forged as they were still created and evolved on Azeroth.
Azeroth in its natural state was a barren lifeless wasteland ruled by chaotic elementals and Old Gods. Without outside intervention nothing else would exist here. So pretty much everyone is here now because of titan influence and on par with each other as nativity goes. All lifeforms were still developed on this world.
evolution whether encouraged or natural does not make someone less native to their planet, landmass, etc
I know the definition of native, thank you. I’m talking about which races showed up naturally on Azeroth. Edited the original post for you.
but you said that would mean they’re “true native”, which elves still are
Elves are not. They evolved because of Elune/Titan Influence due to their proximity to the Night Well and heavy use of Arcane Magic.
that doesn’t make them not native to azeroth
It makes elves not 100% native to Azeroth because external influence caused them to evolve the way they did.
Look. If I take Bob over here, and I give him plastic surgery and give him a complete facial makeover, would you call that natural?
I would still call him of and from this world, i’m unsure any change makes their point of origin also different
the influence is something i can’t deny, but the influence needs something to influence
As of now we all are native because we are constantly changing from the pass. But if you are looking for the origins from the beginning it would be elves, taurens . The rest are vague.
And they influenced Trolls into becoming a completely different race in pretty much every single regard.
The origin of Elves is the ticket here. Not the origins of Trolls. The point they became “Elves” is when they no longer became 100% natural. That is the beginning of elves.