What race/class fits in with TWW?

With the protagonist being inhabiting a Void Elf body with a Priest background, is there a better combination to fit in to TWW?

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A Void Elf Hunter with a pet Warpstalker named Voyd, or Voideater, or some such.

I agree with priest but I vote gnome :slight_smile: And I’m not even biased at all!


Everyone but Monk as usual

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Just be an elf, every xpac will be around you

I played Monk exclusively in Pandaria (original). I tend to like playing classes that fit the expansion. Weird, I know.

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Human Male Paladin with faith issues.

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Speaking of void stuff, they do remember Voss. :dagger::robot::hocho:

Nothing major but the influence of the monks are spreading. :world_map::robot:

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I, uh… don’t think Xal’atath is the protagonist.

That said, Dwarf anything is clearly the superior option here. Warrior and Shaman will probably be the best fits.

Why is she so tiny lol

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“Xal’atath has been announced as the main antagonist of World of Warcraft: The War Within, where she has journeyed to the underground nerubian kingdom of Azj-Kahet, below Khaz Algar, to create an unstoppable army.” Wrong word.

Anything Alliance, obviously. The Alliance is the main character.

Dwarf Anything will probably feel great.

Void Elf anything.

So far horde hasn’t gotten much of anything, but maybe Goblin something?

Is Lilian Voss shrinking? I swear every time I see her in a screen shot she keeps getting smaller. She needs to get a lot more calcium to stop that bone wasting… or new bones.

On the main topic, though. Probably Dwarf priest, warlock or paladin would fit the best, until you unlock earthen, then probably Earthen priest, warlock or paladin. This is the beginning of the void expansion, 2 zones are ‘dwarf/titan/earthen’ themed, one is light/void themed, and the last one is spiders/void. So a priest fits the light/void theme, as does a paladin, and warlocks are kind of the only other class that has some connection to the void, so they kinda make sense.

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Its actually that alleria is HUGE on beta.
I dont know why they made her model so big, but she dwarfs everything around her.

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Oh right, I forgot size is directly tied to importance in the plot.

Now this is what I’m talking about.

5’11" vs 6’

Drives me insane.

Just make the characters reasonably similar so an NPC human doesn’t tower over a freaking Tauren.

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Aysa getting content :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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