What race?

Hey guys I wanna work on a shaman that will mostly be Ele but might dabble in enh too and can’t settle on a race to go with. I’m looking between orc, goblin, or one of the 2 tauren. What do you guys think?

Orc = Goblin > Tauren > Highmountain

Stun resistance = Rocket Jump > War Stomp > Bull Rush

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Two words for you: Zug Zug. I rest my case.


Orc Shaman look cool as both.

For PVE, rocket jump is just so good.

No racial compares.

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I might be a slight bit biased, but I’d go Orc out of those choices for ele. Orcs are very lore-friendly for the shaman class as a whole, and their totems don’t look half bad either. If you have Mag’Hars unlocked, even better. I feel like Tauren/HMT fit real nice with resto though

So this is my 2 cents. But reg trolls get a haste inc every 3 mins which is like a mini blood lust. Orcs get a damage increase via Blood fury which increases ap and intel by 112 for 15 seconds

This was the reason I made my shaman orc was blood fury

Dwarf shaman.

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Whatever race you enjoy the most! I personally picked orc because of the history of the race and from what all they have been through. Tauren would be a close second if I had to choose otherwise!

Of the four you’re considering, I would go goblin. The extra mobility provided by the rocket boots is excellent.


If you have Mag’har Orcs unlocked, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a more fitting race. Taurens, green orcs, and trolls come close, but Mag’har are just better.

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Orc for PvP, Goblin for PvE, Orc if you do both. Upright Orc for looks, but that’s subjective.

Yeah. But as a goblin with the necrolord armor and bone wings…I look like a flying monkey from Wizard of Oz.



Orc for sure.

Rocket jump is too good man.


Alliance: Dwarf
Horde: Troll (Ele) Goblin (Enh) Orc (Both)

I would just play whatever you want, I just think rocket jump is op. It’s saved my butt a few times. I use it to jump back from a pillar in CN.

I started as Mag’har because orcs in general just look amazing in mail/shaman gear and their casts are pretty solid.

I swapped to goblin because rocket jump is REALLY good especially if you plan on running Torghast a lot. I find myself missing it on my other non-goblin toons.

I’d say go with what your priority is, Orc for looks or Goblin for rocket jump. If you’re really into lore, then probably Tauren because they have great shaman lore. (Orcs do too so this is obviously subjective)

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For horde:

For PvP: orc. Particularly in this fast meta where stuns are uber lethal.

For PvE: For non-raid, I personally like tauren for the aesthetic and the war stomp for interrupts and to provide a casting window. For raiding, maybe troll for the haste buff?

For alliance:

PvP: Dark Iron Dwarf

PvE: Dunno. Same?

Rocket jump is so good that it heavily impacted my covenant decision.

Burst mobility is a huge issue for shaman. Rocket jump and soulshape have proven invaluable for both pvp and pve.

I have juked so many people off ledges, ramps, cliffs in pvp with rocket jump. People don’t expect this type of mobility from shaman and it catches them off guard, and that’s when they make mistakes.

Ex: eye of the storm at fel reaver…charge up top and kite melee to the bridge side ledge. Jump off like you are going to run away and watch them follow you, then rocket jump back up. You are back in capture area and they have to go the long way back up. Do this trick if for some reason you end up holding the flag in warsong gulch and are on top of base. Watch them fall off as you stay up top and are out of LoS for things like shadowstep. Twin peaks jump off base into the water or off ledge towards ground then rocket jump back and watch the enemy take fall dmg or be stuck getting out of water for the next 30 seconds.

Get good enough reaction speed and rocket jump counters power shot, other thunderstorms, haymakers, and other things.

Dk just dg you? Rocket jump back awayand ghost wolf to avoid chains speed reduction.

Warriors just charge you? Rocket jump back to where he just was. (Same for rogue shadowstep, monk roll, demon hunter fel rush, etc.). Great kiting potential.

Rocket jump is seriously the 500 iq racial if you get creative.

In pve it just helps you with movement which is never bad for any content.


And with orc you get those neato shoulderpads that float a good 6 inches off your shoulder in any direction and in no way shape or form give any evidence that any care was given when designing them.

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