What quests are "canon" to your character?

Most of us don’t like to think of ourselves as being the “canon” champions of our respective factions, mostly because we don’t want to risk being seen as a Mary Sue or something. I don’t do this, but every once in a while, I bump into a quest where I’m like “You know…this is absolutely the kind of misadventure my character would get into.”

For Spritzie, it’s her discovery of Rooter the Ravenous.

A tiny little baby boar located in Gorgrond, Spritzie not only discovered him, fed him, and took him back to Frostwall with her, but two expansions later, he’s grown into a large piggy that is now one of her trusty mounts!

So yeah. If you had to pick at least ONE quest from the game - big or small, from any expansion - to be an actual canon thing that your character did, what quest would it be?


One of my old mages would’ve totally been the type to cluelessly eat the seeds in Grizzly Hills, get yelled at, then have to do the entire chain. She was kinda stupid as an apprentice, lol.

Oh, she’d have also helped the poor old man bring stitches back to life without realizing the not-remotely-subtle things that something shifty was going on.

I don’t think she’d have been in either of those area’s to be able to -do- those things, because belf, but yanno. If she were Human.


All of them.

…it’s complicated.



He regrets nothing. The purge was needed and cathartic.

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My draenei hunter did something similar to the beast mastery hunter artifact weapon questline. She found a titanic relic, crafted the elekk’s thunder skin and used that as her weapon throughout Legion.

Some OOC stuff happened between me and her sister’s player so I turned her into a Goblin. Truth be told I’m excited for the Hati questline :sob:

Lissarra would have done the Suramar campaign ICly.

Killing the ogres in Alterac Ruins. Yeah there’s probably more back there now, but it was a point of principle after first the Alliance tore down the capital and then the ogres desicrated its ruins even further.

Like hell he was going to let them squat in the wreckage of his family’s home. Alterac falling is the whole reason he became a warlock. A Dalaran student when all the sudden his homeland’s capital falls to their own faction, its nobility all exiled and declared traitors? Him, his countrymen all being frowned at and shunned, debts getting called due, friends no longer willing to face him, scholarships revoked, tutors stopping their lessons? Of COURSE he’s gonna get bitter and steal a forbidden tome to continue learning, and high tail it back home! … only to find a mother having poisoned herself from the shame and a father dead from the street fighting, but still!!!

So yes, the Alterac quest chain up there was DEFINITELY taken ICly when he returned north again, years later adverturing! XD


I don’t remember the name of the quest as it was removed from the game, but in the early days when Magni still ruled Ironforge, his daughter went missing so, at his request, we organized a rescue mission to bring her back safely. Obviously things went sideways and we had to return hat-in-hand to give Magni the news. One of the rewards was the “Songstone of Ironforge” ring, which was from his vault. I was in awe. An Ironforge ring! I kept it in my bank for so long, but ultimately disenchanted it because I badly needed the bank space. (No void storage, no transmogs, multiple mounts took up actual bag space, etc. It was brutal back then.) My one eternal RP regret!

I had enough interactions with Magni that I felt my character was not just another face in the crowd, that he’d recognize her and greet her warmly. I mean, not to the point of exchanging Winter Veil cards, but you get the idea.

So the Moira “rescue” is canon to my character for sentimental reasons and all.

(I love the Rooter the Ravenous story. That’s awesome.)


Hardly any these days for this character.

I’m currently levelling a lovely little (only slightly murderous) goblin lass and The Fastest Way to His Heart is definitely canon for her. Rip the ‘still-beating heart’ out of your ex? :+1:

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I’m not sure in the grand scale of ALL available quest content, but I’ve definitely been doing hopscotch of “canon, non-canon, canon, etc.” in BfA. I like to think the more diplomatic missions to the new allied races are canon for Barnabas, building new relationships and contacts, whereas the ones that directly benefit the aims of Sylvanas are not. Similarly, the branched off “Saurfang path” quests are canon for Barn.

I’d have to think on others though. I generally just read the quest text and kind of discern from there.

I punched Deathwing in the face.
The dwarf lies.


No i did flexes flexingly
Though on a serious note for my worgen hunter who ive yet to transfer here i imagine to have been there for the harrison jones quests in uldum

Nez here did a good chunk of the Suramar campaign icly. Not all of it, but she helped with Ancient Mana collecting and withered training. She also did a bit of adventuring in Vol’Dun, mostly the quests where you help out the Vulpera.

My DH was definitely there in the Argus campaign though, and a good chunk of those quests are in her canon, same with my Draenei.

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Flying civilians away from geists in Wintergarde Village and digging dwarves out of Bael Modan’s wreckage are a couple of things I mention about Ben Grandblade.

More recently, he participated in the bombing run on Antorus that took down the Sentinax, and even kept the Warframe he flew in. Named it “Gladius” after the mission, I have a whole TRP for the mech and everything.

Raggz scratches his head confused Me no have canon, Boss say me suppose to stay away from those after…accident. But…Raggz remember dumdums always mentioning quest…Used to do work work in Valley of Trials…Everyday Little dumdums hit Raggz in head with Foreman Thaz’rill’s blackjack for taking nap! They say it for quest…Raggz think you dumsdums should no quest anymore…It mean.

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The Alliance Ashenvale questline from back in Cataclysm. Azhaar’s story in that era was all about stomping away from sanctimonious draenei to mess up orcs and make friends with night elves.

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I’ve been on the top of every alliance airship at the end of the assaults playing free concerts man! Anarchy in the UC!

Ruyn has been present for most of the Darkshore campaign. He comes and goes as he pleases, but he’ll take any opportunity to cause some destruction.

My DK still has both the Seal of Sylvanas and Band of the Undercity awarded to him by the Dark Lady for service to her and the Forsaken.

Links Edited.

For this character, the one where you rescue folks from Darnassus while Teldrassil is burning down. I RP she hss family in Dolanar, so I jumped on her carpet and tried to fly that way. After a few seconds, the screen when blank and I was sent back to Darnassus. So it is canon for this character that she tried to fly to Dolanar, but was overcome by smoke and had to teleport back, losing her carpet, and nearly dying from smoke inhalation.