What Plunderstorm skill do you like more?

I’m torn between the one that turns my normal sword strike into a light sword strike, and the other one that lets me launch 3 or 4 elemental attacks in a row.

What about you?

All those that would help me escape from all your offensive skills.

I am not the one who would kill you. Other players would do.


I love the Stealth defense, the fire whirlwind one, and the arcane orb the most. The orb is so pleasing.

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The like frost bolt one and celestial alignment. You can make a ranged caster build with it

I’m also seeing people combine the tornado with the bomb

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I like the Frost Bolt just to be super annoying and the Smackeral partly because I love the name and partly because it couples nicely with the Frost Bolt slow to just be annoying.

The charge up Arcane moon beams I forget its name has been pretty fun though, sniping people from far away.

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My personal favorite is the barrel. It lets me slip by other players as they duke it out. They’re too busy trying to kill each other to see some large Kul’Tiran roll past them in the distance.


Oh it’s that axe! You lift it up and then down with super force and it has a big flame cleave looking effect. Ughhhh I like that weapon so much.

It’s like a karate chop with a axe that’s on fire

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Definitely not the one that had someone snipe me from halfway across the map with a moon beam coming from behind me where I couldn’t see it.


I start panicking if I don’t have a barrel because it’s my get away when things get fuzzy, too.


Yeah, what kind of monster would enjoy such a thing.


If I’m already being attacked, I know there’s no point in running. They’ll chase me across the map just because they can. It’s the most unstealthily stealthy ability in my arsenal.

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I wouldn’t mind it if there was a visual indicator someone was charging it out of your camera view lol.

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How do you properly use that skill? Mine always seems to end up somewhere completely random.

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It goes in a straight line in front of you - it’s a charge skill like evoker - so unless you change the keybind in settings, you have to hold it down as it charges.


All the evasive/defensive ones preferably.

But if some people want some smoke i’ll sometimes carry the axe or other heavy hitter

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It’s just a hold & charge frontal.
But it does throw your character back slightly when you begin charging it.

Also it is pretty generous with its hitbox. I wouldn’t try and lead with your shot too much.


Oh see, I don’t think I’ve seen a hold bar like the arcane orb one has. I was always thrown off by being thrown back, I let go of the button immediately. Thank you so much. :dracthyr_heart: Now I might be able to do even better. Maybe I can beat my 3rd place score and hit second lol.

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They don’t matter much to me, because NPCs are easy to kill, and players never seem to get hit by my attacks even though it looks like they should, heh.

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I dunno.

Does dying right away in a match count as a skill?


Slicing wind, bulwark, leap, and fish or axe.

Or maybe fish, axe, bulwark, and leap if I’m feeling very aggressive.

Not generally a fan of the ranged skills. People panic when you get in their faces and I’d rather take advantage of that.

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