What PLAYABLE race do you want Blizzard to add

Nagas are elves and dragons weren’t even in question.

No Nagas are not elves.

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You do realise Naga were Night Elves right? They have every bit of reason to be included as playable race. But they didn’t do it in Rise of Azshara, how disappointing.




Naga are Highborne Elves my dude. Got enough elves.


That would be an error. Naga myths have nothing to do with Elves

Saberon for the horde


I suggest you find out who is Azshara… she was the Queen of Night Elves… before her fallen and Malfurion took over the leadership afterward…

I think you might have the wrong forum friend. You see this is the WoW forum, you might be after the Guild Wars forum.


add murdocks and the new owl people in SL


Don’t be silly.


Naga , (Sanskrit: “serpent”) in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, a member of a class of mythical semidivine beings, half human and half cobra. They are a strong, handsome species who can assume either wholly human or wholly serpentine form and are potentially dangerous but often beneficial to humans. They live in an underground kingdom called Naga-loka, or Patala-loka, which is filled with resplendent palaces, beautifully ornamented with precious gems. The creator deity Brahma relegated the naga s to the nether regions when they became too populous on earth and commanded them to bite only the truly evil or those destined to die prematurely. They are also associated with waters—rivers, lakes, seas, and wells—and are guardians of treasure."

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Mok’nathal would be great. As for Alliance, not sure what they would get.


Okay, you trolled us all… This is wow forum, not hindu mythology forum…

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Like I said, I think you might be in the wrong forum. You see this is a WoW forum about the game World of Warcraft.

This thread is in reference to WoW lore, and WoW races.


Vrykul for alliance. Ogre for horde


At the time I wanted Highmountain Tauren and got it.
Then I REALLY wanted Vulpera and got it.

I’m genuinely satisfied xD


Outland Flayers to be sure.

Can you now really want Murlocs? Kthnxbai


While controversial, theres so many that should be, and highly requested.

Besides Covenants that’s all the talk love them all to be playable, San’layn, Ogres, Sethrak have a huge following in all forums, Tuskarr could use the Pandaren/ Ogre Skeleton.

Alliance Sethrak - Horde San’layn
Alliance Tuskarr- Horde Ogres

They pair great. This is outside the more controversial Allied Races, High Elves (Still one of the most requested in all forums), Wildhammer Clan, Dragonmaw clan, Vyrkul which should have an honourable mention.

Personally I’d like to see everything added, I love the diversity races bring to the game. I guess I’m just greedy like that.


I’ve got a list of races I’d like to see playable:


  1. Sethrak
  2. High Elves (some brown and blonde hair colors for VEs would suffice though)
  3. Mimiron style Mechagnomes (should have gotten these rather than steampunk gnomes in BfA)
  4. Vrykul


  1. Ogres
  2. Forsaken Night Elves
  3. San’Layn (only if High Elves became a full race and Horde did NOT get FNEs)
  4. Mok’Nathal
  5. Saberon or some other cat race
  6. Man’ari (ie red Eredar)


  1. Murlocs (two separate tribes, Blue and Green skin tones available for Alliance, Red and Orange for Horde, Yellow and Purple for both)
  2. San’Layn (more likely to be Horde exclusive, but could work as a neutral as well)
  3. New bipedal variant of Naga
  4. Sylvar, Kyrian, and Venthyr (I don’t think it would make sense from a lore perspective, but if it could work I’d love to see it)

There are others I’d like to, but this is all I can think of atm and includes all of my most desired races.


Spider elves, or the spider people from Maldraxxus.