Always liked plate armor, thick metal to keep the soft bits from getting munched on. What armor set would you say has the thickest plate, just a literal walking tank.
In my opinion, the third tier version of the 7th Legionnaire plate from the Arathi warfront.
Its both protective and looks great, shame that its so hard to get nowadays
Dislike a lot of plate sets. anything that shows the slightest bit of skin is a big no for me. If it can be seen it can be pierced.
Mythic Antorus set for warriors. Feel free to grab the lookalike pieces for it.
Warrior t4/s1 - tbc
Warrior t6/s3 - tbc/tomb of sarg pixel upgrade
All of these make you look like a literal tank
This has my vote for the most practical plate set.
Am i the only one who would like to see spell res come back to armor? I say this purely from a pvp pov as currently plate classes are amogst the squishiest in pvp.
Or what if the amount of armor reduced all damage instead of physical only
antorus warrior set. looks heavy as all-heck. well, antorus, and tomb of sargeras. so probably a mixture of those 2. antorus to resist bites, and tomb of sargeras to make creatures not want to bite you.
jade plate armor set. maximum armor protection.
for me the Nathria set, Antorus warrior set, and Tomb of Sargeras warrior set
You don’t have a hat on.
The legion plate sets. All of them lol
I’m aware, can never find a helmet that completely covers my head, neck, everything.
I was just picking on you