Trying to make a Scarlet Crusade hunter mog, what pets would look good/be used by the Scarlet Crusade?
https:// imgur. com/a/BAgHqiX
Trying to make a Scarlet Crusade hunter mog, what pets would look good/be used by the Scarlet Crusade?
https:// imgur. com/a/BAgHqiX
Definitely dogs. There’s a houndmaster in one of the Scarlet Monastery wings.
Yea I was thinking that, but can’t really use cunning pets sadly
We’re getting the ability to change pet specs again in 11.1.
Like we can lust with cunning?
EDIT: NM misread, that’s insane I’ve been saying they should add back pet specs forever!
No, but you can spec a dog into ferocity.