What pets do you have?

I had a dog named sasha. Australian Shepard. after her, I never want another one. Then I had a cat named Sophia. After her, I never want another one. Can’t be replaced.

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I can’t post pics but I have two official cats, plus 4 ferals; 4 dogs (border collies and Queensland heelers) a mini pony and a horse.

3 dogs (border collie x, australian shepherd, rough collie), and a cat (seal point siamese)

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and I hope a huge back yard for them :slight_smile:

1 Rabbit, 2 snakes, 1 bearded dragon, 3 cockatiels, 1 green cheeked conure, and one sun conure.

My house can get very loud and messy sometimes as the birds like to cause chaos. One of the tiels has hung up the phone on my mom before. It took a good few minutes of laughing before I could call her back.

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I have a tri and red!

I think technically my tri is considered a merle because she has one blue eye and half her face is spotted but she looks more like a tri.

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1 kitty, she’s 6 and queen of the house, (drama queen) and has more servants than I do.

I have an adorable pit/boston rescue, approx 3 1/2 years old.


He said pet. You have a zoo.

Three dogs. One Labrador, one chihuahua, and a mutt.
Five cats.

2 cats for the moment, one adopted intentionally, the other incidentally when it showed up at my house 2-3 pounds underweight and unchipped (and as a sidenote, please chip your critters people).

If my house were larger so it could accommodate a third litterbox in a discreet location (away from anywhere guests might go) I wouldn’t mind a third cat, but as things stand the only addition I can imagine at this point would be a midsized dog, but the time isn’t quite right for that yet.

My kitty girl passed a couple of years ago. She was 17. Now I care for one of our neighborhood ferals (yes, she was trapped and neutered). After 2 years, she will now come within a foot of me, and sometimes flop down on her back and roll around, but I am not sure she will ever let me actually pet her. But I will never push it :smiley:

I have a Min Pin / Black Lab mix. 20lbs or floofy terror to stuffies everywhere.

Yeah, an Australian Shepherd can be a handful especially if you try to keep it inside lmao. That reminds me of a story one of my bosses told me.

He said they had an Aussie and every time he or his wife got up at night to do something, that dog would be on their heels, tearing up whatever they were wearing, because it was trying to herd them back to bed.

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No she was a sweetheart. I just cant replace her.

Yeah, that’s what people call it. Earlier in the year we had three rabbits, but one passed at the beginning of the year from old age, she was almost 13. The other mid year from kidney failure, he was either 11 or 12, the rescue wasn’t really sure how old he was when we took him in. I’m at my limit for number of animals now though. The vet bills are rather high, even for just the annual checkups.

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2 cats ( 12 years old each, sisters)
1 Bichon Frisé (dog) ( 13 years old)
1 Lovebird ( 13 years old)

All my pets are getting up there in age.