What percentage of the player base do you think actually does any pvp in general? Then what percent of the population do you think does rated pvp?
Reason I ask is I personally have felt for the last 3 or so expacs that pvp has been an after thought to Blizz. Must not be enough subs involved for them to worry about losing the money from pvpers.
Fairly high amount for pvp in general.
Moderate amount in shuffle.
Otherwise small.
We got a lot of what we wanted for PVP gearing with DF, though.
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I feel it might be 10-20% of player base that actively do rated pvp. If I walk around the city and inspect peoples pvp ratings. I would say its a good 2/10 that have any rating at all.
Blizzard is under the thumb of an umbrella company. Realistically they’re probably being pushed to put out more product to keep milking players while they’re still here, than to continually adjust the game trying to make it as close to perfect as they can to retain them.
They have business analysts that look into things like population trends, etc. If they devoted a lot of time to making arena unanimously great right now, the profitability of the manpower invested would be less than just developing new features for the upcoming xpac, which will be the next meaningful surge of players returning.
So they just pop in here or there to make things playable/tune major offenders down some just to keep things tolerable in the meantime.
Man it really sucks. Most ventures that go public turn into soulless machines. There’s literally nothing like WoW PvP and this is what they choose to do with it. And they won’t care about it until a market disrupter like Riot comes along to take the base of their ideas and make them better
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Swtor is pretty close being a wow clone. But it is super janky
As someone that has played swtor for 10 years and has pvp titles and mounts from ranked yolos, that are now worthless since they have removed rank pvp in 7.0. I can say its the only wow clone that has done pvp pretty well. But yes it is laggy af and janky af lol. I wish i played this first tbh. But swtor pvp community was big until about 5.0 then it fell hard. Fell even harder in 2.0 wen they removed 8v8 ranked. This is the last mmo for tab target pvp and im seeing the same things happening here that happened in swtor last 5 years. I started in bfa and pvp is completey ded now compared to then, I do like shuffle because its like yolos(solo ranked) in swtor, But the community is making sure that it dies too.
Many reasons. Some parallels i see with wow too now, With the community and so on. But time will tell i guess. Granted swtor pvp was never as pop as wow.
Yeah, but damn if they didn’t get Warzones right. Huttball the goat of all battlegrounds ever.
I’ve played on and off, I did ranked at launch but after quitting and just returning to scratch an itch every expansion i never had anyone to play with. I’ve never been a fan of solo q so that cut ranked for me. Still love their WZ’s to death tho, but playing swtor over the years it was rough watching it mirror the same class design progression & for me, mistakes that WoW made year after year. Removing talent hybrids → streamlining talents → pruning skills & gameplay → Redesigning a new talent tree.
One thing I loved about swtor was them not shying away from new gameplay ideas. Like GSF. Cracked, janky game mode but what a fun idea.
Yea we had lol hhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnrVZgmDljc&list=PL9lthD0lNXHGYMCufcmjNSg2jyyuN35p5&index=15
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It feels like 1 or 2 percent at this point of time. I feel like pvp accounts for 40% player in original wrath…
Big second this.
I don’t think a lot of arena players appreciate how much casual players enjoy bgs. BGs are actually a lot of fun. Tons of people with almost no arena xp still BG a lot, albeit mostly on backpedalling nelf MM hunters…
Many more would play IMHO Bgs/rated if it weren’t for the frustration of botting, premades(that won’t invite because it’s “select people”) and getting CC’d to hell and back with no help from others, using glitches to their advantage, way too many addons, needing to take the BeSt FotM to get any higher rating and usually just takes one super toxic player to spew hate and blame to ruin the game. I loved PVP and played a ton of arena/RBGs years ago but I was so very frustrated that the game was not fun anymore.
13.4% of active accounts got Combatant 1 season 1 of DF.
I’m sure if you scrubbed some of the duplicate accounts and bots, it would probably be even higher.
Only 1.29% of accounts have have more than 10 BG Blitz wins.
Compare that to Solo Aspirations, 15 RSS rounds played, and it just to 22%. Even at the 150 rounds achievements, it’s over 9.8% or accounts. I’d say that’s really good. Now obviously that’s not active players at all times, but still a lot of people who have tried the format.
If you look at just PvP in general though, I’d say it’s like 25-30% of the population. That’s players doing BGs, world PvP, etc. All the more reason it’s frustrating how slow they are to make changes.
Missing ludus labs right now
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