What other games are you playing in the wait for 9.1?

Title pretty much says it all.

I have been having a lot of fun in SWTOR lately. This is pretty much my secondary game during World of Warcraft droughts.

Curious to hear what secondary games you all are playing in the meantime

If only they hadn’t canned their OCE servers.

I also am a big fan of SWTOR. I prefer it to WoW, but end game sucks at 300ms+.

I’ve been dabbling in single player RPGs, like Grim Dawn, PoE and The Witcher series. Also stuffing around with ESO and might even make the plunge to FFXIV to at least see what all the fuss is about.

I’ll probably end up back here at some point. Sunk cost fallacy and all that… :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’m not waiting for 9.1, but I’m playing FFXIV anyways and getting everyone I can to jump over with me.



I’m playing I’m just playing 75% less

Classic and TBC Classic. It took a while for me to get the nostalgia bug. Also some F2P MMO on Steam called Eldevin. For being as low quality as it is I love playing it. Also starting Mass Effect Legendary edition. If you’ve never played Mass Effect there’s no better time to start than now.

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Stellaris with New Horizons.
You can destroy planets supposedly… although my poor 10700 slows to a crawl on a large galaxy so I never experienced it yet :frowning:.

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One of the main reasons I love SWTOR so much is there is no faction bias in PVP. Your team will be compiled of both imperials and Republic characters. It’s one of the main reasons it’s my go to game during a World of Warcraft drought. The bolster system in pvp for fresh characters is also really nice

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Not waiting for anything in WoW, but I’ve been on other MMOs, PS4, PS5, Switch, and Steam.

Guilty Gear Strive and Scarlet Nexus will be my focus once they release this month.

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Well i just 100% Maneater a couple weeks back. Totally recommend. You get to play as a Shark. :+1: :shark:

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SWTOR’s fun ended for me when they stopped releasing new raids. It’s too bad, too. I thought the overall experience in that game was better - better class play, better stories, better graphics… There just wasn’t anything new to do anymore. Soa got to be pretty boring to kill over and over and over and over… It got turned into a subscription single player game.

What I’m playing: leveling more WoW alts. Running a DH alt through TBC stories. Going to xp lock it at 49 and run all of Outland and Northrend on it. Also leveling some other alts.

Diablo 3. Problem here is I get bored about 3-4 weeks into a season. Already at that point for this season.

Sonic 3 & Knuckles. Bought it on Steam. Yay for nostalgia.

DOOM 2016. Haven’t taken the plunge on DOOM Eternal yet. Probably later this year.

I lived on SWTOR the first 6 months or so after release. Loved the stories, loved the raids, really enjoyed the PvP. The game was never really the same for me after the cartel market entered the equation. Too much focus on cosmetics and cash shop not enough focus on actual content. I’ll admit I liked player housing minus the fact that most of the decorations weren’t earned but purchased.

To answer the OP question I’ve been playing Persona. JRPG’s aren’t usually my cup of tea but I’m hooked. Started with Persona 4 Golden on steam then worked my way over to Persona 5 Royal. They’re just plain addictive and it’s criminal Sega doesn’t release them on every platform.

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Im a PvPer so killing internet dragons is not my thing. SWTOR end game has become PvP focused. They keep releasing new WZ/Arenas but no new raids. It’s like the developers gave up on PVES. So I definitely understand why a PVEr would drop quick. If that was my focus I would never play the game

The things I mentioned above is why I still off play that game in WOW droughts