What on Earth is with you people?

There are no “specs” in Vanilla. That’s something that was cemented in later expansions. People like you try to view the game through a retail lens and it isn’t working out for you.

People know what to expect, is my point. Yet there’s a very vocal and very small minority who want to change it despite a server already existing that fills that niche.

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People knew what to expect in 2019 too. Are you going to claim that Classic itself wasn’t new at the time, then?

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As i said, it’s not new in the sense that people know what to expect from Vanilla. You’re arguing semantics. If you want to harp on the point that they are brand new servers that just went online, then sure, whatever.

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You literally started this entire chain of replies off of semantics. You don’t even know what you’re talking about at this point


I accept your concession


Got it, you’re a troll

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See above, thanks

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Stop worrying about what people are wanting and asking for. If blizzard feels the change is right for the game and community they will do what’s best. Blizzard always does what is best for classic and cares deeply about the classic community. I am not being paid.

(Yes that last part is /s)

But I really don’t think you’re going to see anything dramatic change if anything at all


I’m not worried at all. People want Vanilla and they want SoD. I think Blizzard knows better than to turn Vanilla servers in to SoD, based on how many people have come back to play them. They’ve obviously looked at the metrics and seen that SoD just hasn’t had the turn out they expected, and it’s a no brainer to do Vanilla again since it was arguably their biggest success since 2019.
I have no issues with both versions co-existing.


Well I don’t think sod is going out with any kind of bang and I truly hope that is the end of seasonal servers. Mastery didn’t work out either.

Fresh was a good move. I love that we will get dual spec spec.


Class changes are NOT QoL changes.


This is true.

They’re boring.

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Lol good lord.

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yes my son?


Well I guess when you’re used to playing one button classes you might think adding a whole extra button is a complete change :person_shrugging:

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Hunters are one of the only classes in classic with what can be considered a rotation…
Either way, class changes are still not QoL changes.

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Well it is. It doesn’t matter what “we think”about it lol

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You’re right, it doesn’t, because it’s the developers that decide what changes to make and they’ve already said they aren’t taking a “no changes” approach


We play classic IN SPITE of it’s flaws. Not FOR it’s flaws. Thats the difference.


You don’t speak for me and others

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