What % of players have over 1 million gold?

I still have 9M, down from 10.3M from legion

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Cant imagine that people have jobs? :thinking: Not everyone has time to farm. Also, no herb goes for that much on stormrage. Stop lying.

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Two and a half million atm, but I have nothing to spend it on so it just builds up.

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There is this evil little ghost mummy named Dashar who probably has collected 1 million gold from my mogging addiction since 2017.

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I float between about 10k and 200k. I buy consumables, deplete gold, buy token, repeat.

Iā€™d like to have fun with my game time, not do menial chores for gold or play the AH, thanks.

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is this a necro answer from legion? how many alts do you have just doing mission table and cache? 50? you must be on some weird server if you still are making gold on pets.

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Almost 3 million here, if you combine all my characters. Iā€™d be over 5 megs if I stopped buying all those Pets & Mounts from the AH since Legion, lol.

Most people donā€™t do that many quests.

A lot of people still give old advice.

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itā€™s because she is always on GD white knighting.

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I had the same amount of gold by the end of legion, now I am at 1 mill trying to not burn it impulsively.

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Heck I have 100-200k give or take over two mains. Had 300-400k before but picked up a mount or two. Levelled my BFA enchanting to max which cost me around 80-100 k for the mats since I donā€™t raid and couldnā€™t get enough of the shards and such. That was a waste of time and cash since I put my enchants up for a month (on server reset Nights and weekends) and none sold at all, since everyone undercuts by ludicrous amounts.

So Iā€™m sort of lost at how to even make much money unless I wanna level alchemyā€¦which Iā€™m slightly apprehensive about to be honest.

Close to 44 million atm.


spare some change?


you do know that the one with the most gold at the end of the game doesnā€™t win anything.


I thought that was a thing though.

I have a friend on Horde with 67million or so. I dont think Ill win anyway.


Meh most I ever had was like 15 million. Iā€™m down to ~700k on my horde server and a little over 2 million on my Alliance.

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I have a little over 1.8m on this character and ~10m liquid gold across my account, with at least the same in assets.

Half of goblins are in the top 1%.

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