What MUST be the next class after BFA

I cannot believe I read a quarter of that post before realizing it was written by a male human paladin :tired_face:

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I’ve got it. A mail wearing necromancer.

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Before there are any more classes, Blizzard needs and should address current ones. As I had a discussion on the Rogue forums, Pure DPS Classes are feeling the 15 years of this game, and the evolution of hybrids. They are a dying breed and that is why it is so diffcult to “balance” them. There truly is no need for 3 different rogue specs for example. Not enough flavor to go around unless you truly rehaul the class (like Hunters did with a melee spec).

Encounters, gameplay and mechanics are each day forcing players to value hybrids over pures and that is ok, we just need to really examine pures again and maybe come to terms with the fact that certain specs are no longer viable or even feasible. Only then, can we think of new classes. I rather see Shamans finally get that Earth Tank spec, before another entire class that will undoubtedly have too much of something that already exists.


I doubt they will add a class in 9.0. I know that’s been the pattern but it seems they have too many to manage already. Considering DH only has 2 specs as well.

Would be great if they did though.


Something that would work in Northrend. Blizz would be pretty dense if the next expansion isn’t to WotLK what Legion is to Burning Crusade.

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that’s not what a tinker is tho.

Go play the tinker hero from WC3, and see gazlowe from hots, then just for fun, add in the concept of the alchemist hero from WC3 as well.

none of those are anything like hunters.


Things we don’t have from a hero class.

-A healer
-Ranged dps

Things we have enough of from hero classes

-melee dps

I propose, necromancer.


What we really need is a leather melee. Something with high mobility. To fill that niche.


Regardless of what players think will be great, the next class will be melee and wear leather.


Maybe we need to look at the cosmic forces and what classes represent them. If we follow that path we’ll see that only Death has no class representation, so necromancers could be it. Correct me if I’m wrong.

Personally I would prefer Light casting dps, like a ranged paladin.

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Always wanted a dragon class, would be nice to be a member of the dragonflight, and have spec be the driving factor behind your flight. Like Red and Green Dragonflights are healing specs, Blue dragonflight is a DPS spec, and black dragonflight being a tank spec. Could be fun.

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death knight

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No I want a tinker class like the tinkerers in the island expeditions. They’re nothing like the engineer profession.


My guess is a tinker with a melee dps spec/ranged dps spec/healing spec. I’m not sure what kind of armor a tinker would wear. Plate?

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what kind of armor a tinker would wear.

I would think maybe mail?

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nah, what we really need is a hybrid caster/mele cloth wearer, something like a mele mage. a mele mage that can heal, something that resembles shamans but with healing and tank spec

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Should be a mail class of some description…I hope.

Right now:
Plate - 3
Mail - 2
Leather - 4
Cloth - 3

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Tinker has to be the next class.

All these new engineering animations and abilities, Mecha Gnomes, it’s a class a lot of people want. It’s a class that exist in the lore, etc.


while i really would like a new class, blizz has a history of stealing from the other classes and thats just going to suck. DHs anyone? locks how you feel about them

so nothing at all similar to what we have, in order to keep laziness from ruining our current classes. i really enjoyed the dragonkin ideas thrown around here. that seemed pretty original.

I agree. Would be cool to have a non-light or shadow/death aligned battlemage tank class.

I would say a ranged dps, melee dps, and tank.

Could be based around summoning/conjuring, too. Ranged: conjured Spears or projectiles. melee: more of the same, essentially. Tank would be conjuring plate mail (on top of chain mail) and other mitigation items. Tanking with a two handed staff would be cool twist, too.