What music would your favorite character like?

ITT: we talk about whether Varian would listen to Nickelback or Coldplay

I’ll start. Akama, the Best Pony, would probably like that psychedelic trance chillout stuff.
Khadgar would like dad rock.
Maiev would listen to stuff like GAYLE and Meg Myers.
Vol’jin strikes me as an easy listening kind of guy, maybe even those instrumental loops you can find on YouTube.
Professor Felblast would listen exclusively to bubblegum pop from the 90s.

Your turns!


idk i dont have a favorite

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Millhouse Manastorm: Sea Shanty 2


My favorite NPC is Dolf in Kharanos. So probably some like…

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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I like picturing a modern version of Flynn jamming out to this

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They would all love Hansen

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Lilian Voss would for sure be a fan of early Tool.

Ænima tattoo and everything.


:metal: This, 100%.

Here’s my favorite version

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

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Bloodsail Buccaneers when they aren’t plundering

Captain Velorum! - YouTube

I feel like Zul’jin would like drum and bass, I don’t know why I just feel it in my bones.
It’d be good music to listen to to get your blood pumping, ready to kill some Elves.

That is my favourite old shanty. I did not know that Little V had covered it.

I wish I had known sooner. :grin:

Actual good music, unlike any of those that you mentioned, most likely.

I kinda Think Arthas would like death metal. Cuz you know… and Uther is my all time fav. He would like power metal.

I’m willing to bet Hogger lowkey has every single Backstreet Boys album. He says it’s psychological warfare but I’m pretty sure I’ve seen him mouthing along to “I Want It That Way” a couple times.

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Genn for sure

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Basically all the paladin lore characters


Grom would be listening to The Hu - Wolf Totem

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