What Music do you Play when Running Dungeons?

I get a kick out of playing Wagner’s “Ride of the Valkyries.” Or William’s “Duel of the Fates.”
When I’m doing dungeon runs.

What music do you play when running dungeons in Wow? Big blaring Epic music? Calming Forrest sounds? Rock? Hip Hop? Jazz? Metal? Movie Scores? Anything Else?

Mostly rock or metal.

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Can’t go wrong with Superboss themes.


A variety of rock. This came up in the last M+ I ran:

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Love this music

I am inspired by this.

I usually just put on an album
Here’s a recommendation

I just put on a playlist of psychobilly.

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If you listen to calming forest sounds while running a dungeon where the stress is high then I worry. tho, i sort of get it idk

but this is what I listen to sometimes, makes me feel like a bad %#&@@@!

I got the bug recently where I just wanna listen to Spamton songs

Totally blaring the superior MMO FF14 music.

Kidding. Mostly other video game music but definitely not FF14. Oldschool stuff for the most part.

I know you’re joking but that game has some serious bangers. I wish WoW raid boss music was more like this

Stuff that sounds freakishly close to Powerman 5000? Just inject that into my veins

Love me some Powerwolf or Sabaton.

Usually an assorted youtube mix of pop/funk (been listening to stuff like The Gap Band, Anita Ward, Michael Jackson, Billy Ocean, The Time, Prince, etc), or a Metal/Rock mix (Metallica, Three Inches of Blood, GnR, Def Leppard, Dio, etc)

:truck: :mountain: :truck: :mountain:

I don’t have a go-to type of music for doing dungeons or other content. It’s just whatever I’ve been listening to recently. So, I guess, most recently:

Usually just turn on DJ Alice playlist on Pandora. 90’s club music has a good flow for dungeon grinding.

The music that plays in the actual dungeon itself.

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