What music do you listen to when you play WoW?

When i am not watching streams, i usually listen to music. WoW’s content can get boring so adding music is a good thing to do.

I’ve been listening to a lot of Sabaton. Okay, i’ve only been listening to Sabaton. Just that they are so good, that not a lot of other music can compare, especially modern music. But before I found Sabaton, i listened to a lot of Evanescence and Within Temptation


I mostly listen to music from other video games when I’m in a musical mood. Often it’s other RPGs or Nintendo stuff, occasionally moving outside of those categories if I come across something that catches my ear.

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Lamb of God, Hatebreed, Slipknot, Rise Against, Band Maid, Sum41, Unearth, Lorna Shore, Spiritbox, Arch Enemy. Start with that :slight_smile:

exclusively this


Whatever genre I’m feeling at the time. Recently, stuff like heylog.

But I listen to anything from metal to classical to rap to country, so.

Ooo, did almost exact Topic name 5 years ago. Had T4 then so this lasts along time, and you’ll get some great videos! And ideas! Have fun.

random youtube videos. sometimes music, sometimes rpg horror stories, hoa or entitled people horror stories. true crime stories. videos about whatever horror chris-chan has committed most recently. other weird internet people comparable to chris-chan. sometimes a Lovecraft audiobook, or a Jack Kerouac one. basically, I’ve never actually listened to WoW’s own music tracks, ever.

I don’t know, when I play WoW I listen to the music that is in the game.

If I listen to anything that I’ll actually find interesting then I’ll get too distracted by the music and end up “killing myself by distraction.”

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Sabaton is pretty great.

Usually jazz fusion, post-modern classical music, atmospheric, or lo fi/synthwave…stuff without lyrics

Music wise I listen to stuff from…

-Miracle of Sound

-Divide Music


…for the most part.

When I just want some music/ambiance I listen to stuff from…

-Elder Scrolls: Oblivion (Has my favorite OST from any video game)

-Heavy Rain/Thunder (Love the rain, especially if there is thunder mixed in, both online and when I can listen to it outside my window)

Other than that, I tend to listen to video game news/info via YouTube or Podcast.

I listen to a variety of things depending on how my mood is.

(Sips :beer:)

If I’m listening to music while playing WoW, it’s not really anything specific to WoW or gaming. I’m just listening to music I enjoy.

i like the game music. in pvp

So. When the game was still young and new, burning crusade not even being announced, strangle thorn was thee place to quest. First time there, I was in a Judas Priest phase. To this day, after that first time there, I have to listen to green manalishi with the two pronged crown, while I hunt for pages and do the hunting quests.

Aviators, Zack hemsey, Sam Tinnez, metalica (oldie but goodie) and other random eclectic stuff. Have fun.

I’m a huge nerd, so naturally deathcore and metal music. Buckethead, of course, and then sometimes just the in game music or music from other games.

I typically don’t anymore, being fine with the game’s music and sound.

Back in the day when I first started playing though, I’d have a playlist going consisting of Nightwish, Symphony X and Within Temptation. And for good measure I threw in the soundtrack to that CGI Beowulf movie, which came out I think around the same time I started playing.

I still have the playlist, I just haven’t played it in a while.

I did just take a look at it, and noticed that a lot of the Nightwish songs are region locked :face_with_raised_eyebrow: It might be time to invest in one of those VPNs that I see YouTubers hocking all the time.

I exclusively listen to covers of songs that I’ve done myself

It’s terrible


I have a YouTube page of that. I generally listen to it when the beer is tasting too good for a weeknight.:beer: