What mounts, toys & pets have you bought

… after combining all your currency?

I just bought the Silver Covenant Hippogryph from WOTLK Argent Tournament grounds

Now heading to Broken Isle to buy the Lingering Wyrmtongue Essence that cost 50k nether shards… but after combining all the shards from my toons, I have more than plenty!!!

I am soooo psyched about this new update. As a collector this is the best way to get rid of all currency that’s just sitting around!

Thanks Blizz!!!

I still need to combine currencies. I’ve only swapped some Dragon Isles supplies over to a new alt so far.

Timeless coins… They were scattered across the alt army with left overs even after getting that lizard! True testament to how much time I spent on that isle back then!

Got the turtle by combining the curious coins, missed much of Legion. Also got a cat from the warfronts in BFA. And a nice sea pony with doubloons!

Did some Covenant swapping with armor classes that weren’t in some Covenants also. Still missing the cloth Kyrian one but since that one looks like a Victorian nightmare to me I can live with not having it for now.

And now revisiting the tournament to see witch toons had it mostly unlocked it, gonna hit it a few times a day and finish getting the last of those square mounts. Adds to the number really.

Ill be able to get the rest of the timewalking mounts and most of the toys when they rotate back around.

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so true! My mage ventyr is sitting on grateful offerings from farming Harika, so now able to send to toons with other covenants to farm the transmog!

I was hoping I could buy that bug from vision of nzoth

that one that requires like 10k of some currency

but I cant transfer them…

Iam pretty much done with everything else, why I cant transfer this one? I dont want to repeat visions of nzoth thousand of times for just a mount

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Thanks for the tip with the nethershards! Very true those things accumulate without you noticing!

don’t forget the elemental overflow! after completing the forbidden reach portion of the meta, I went thru my druid’s overflow buying the Reliquary Scrolls and Azure Scrying Crystal, but now after combining overflow across all alts, I was able to buy the Maruuk mount and pet.

Problem with that one is the Essence of the storm are still bind to your toon( and taking bank space to boot).Missing Mount, pet and toy from those because of that ( insert rude remark here).

Haven’t combined currencies. Went back to Remix after the release debacle and have just been maxing out my hunter there for now. Maybe I will try for max Bronze on her before the even is over since I already bought everything.

If things are more stable next week, I’ll reset my UI back to ElvUI and clear out my WTF like I do on every expansion.

I loved Remix for exactly this. All the mounts, toys and outfits I did not have. I ended with another mount A fel Bird mount from getting all the mounts.

havent bought anything, I have like 30k timewalking stamps, and I need to wait for the next event to roll around to start buying mounts.

I bought a Vulpine Famiiar. I just couldn’t resist.