What moments make you feel good in arena

Never thought about this before. I have a lot to learn about shaman.

Using SotF and RoS and not dying. #justthelittlethings


When a melee, most of the time it’s a dk that does this, stands in an empowered fel lord for the entire duration and I end up doing 500k extra damage because of it.

When I juke at 99% with tyrant and bait a warrior, ret or dh to use their aoe cc. Only for them to realize they missed the tyrant and now I get full value out of it.


Ya, I’ve seen that happen in SS a few times. Makes me wonder what is going on in their heads. I love zugzugging on my dk too, but even I know it’s not wise to stand by a giant freaking demon that’s just smacking the crap out of me. lol

going 5-1/6-0 in a lobby completely stacked against you.

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