What moments make you feel good in arena

Personally, I love it when I use BOP on a team mate right before the rogue uses Shadowy Duel. Just something about knowing how bad I screwed them over that brings me great joy…

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when some1 throws a temper tantrum and AFKs their rounds (literally afk) on my team for no reason but tries super hard when they r on enemy team.

had this happen with a rogue this morning, i have no idea what i did to make him/her mad ive never even seen the person in my life, i didnt say a word to him and he/she didnt say a word to me. but i understood exactly what was going on.


I saw a similar situation happen with a feral druid yesterday. People hatting on evo man.

deep breath stun would do it

nah this person literally AFKd the very first round before anybody did anything. nobody said or did anything.

w/e. we just go next.

maybe he was actually afk

I killed a SV hunter through turtle from like 40-50% with trick shots last night. Had been waiting specifically for the moment since I tested it a couple weeks ago. It would be weird to say that I felt good about it, but I guess it’s kind of neat when blizzard doesn’t fix bugs that you report and lets you use them against other people that don’t know about them yet.

IMO phdk is the funnest marks comp right now because of how you can pair salvo volley with grippy hands/double grip and more or less accomplish dk/devoker levels of aoe burst every 45s if played right. That moment of power where your dk is acting like a m+ tank and the whole team is just melting feels fun.

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Sounds like a lot of fun. I may have to give it a try on my dk.

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A key step kick and nothing else is even close for me

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Stopping an Hpal from casting Tyr’s for like 40 seconds on DK.

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Nothing… which is a problem I need to resolve.

I do like watching my game play and seeing my improvement. Yay, gitting gud.

Also sometimes it’s nice to land that silence/CC on a healer before I lock in a kill, but I also wonder why I have to interrupt my burst to carry like that.

This has only happened to me once but it was super satisfying to see them 0-6

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This is all rss focused from healer+mage pov but:

  • some rp realm worgen or something like that getting goosegged but i muscle heals into terrifying heights of damp so they end up with wins

  • knocks that put someone out of line or range and the kill happens as they scramble back toward each other

  • saying kind, sensitive things to healers if they’re raging

  • whispering healers that starch me when we’re mirrored

  • always feels good if someone’s 0-5 and you win with them in round 6

  • first couple weeks of this season when mmr was capped i was healing at the usual 2-2.1cr but i found it particularly rewarding to get wins when I could tell I was the only one in the lobby that wasn’t on anybody else’s friends list

  • putting things in /s or /y in my burst macros- ofc could always do this but before only 1-2 ppl would see them in a session and now its dozens so, worth

  • when a feral with wild attunement comes around i love to pick just the right time to db->shimmer+sheep them, seldom any more than 1-2 clone attempts come after they have to sit a poly

  • baiting melee out of their healers line and watching them sit a 6-8sec nova like it was a stun, double the fun when their healer pushes for the cleanse and I get a sheep out

also, not arena-specific but it’s something hard to find outside of arena: when dhs die mid-air on rain its just the best thing ever


You know that awkward moment in the 3rd round when you (as a healer) and a dps have both gone 0-2 together? Then you go 0-3 together?

Now, in the 4th round, you get to find out if you’re a bad healer or they’re a bad dps.

It feels good if you win the 4th round.


for sure not a dice roll for how the teams/rounds are arranged and i think that’s a complete ripoff

stg ive called it out so many times in round 1 that i would be paired first 3 with another player (especially on my healers)

Yes lol. Everyone gets to find out who the weak link is

Good posts dude. I’ve a couple things:

  • logging in and seeing your dudes on to q.

  • killing a Ret who doesn’t bubble

  • the rare comeback 2v3 win

  • climbing with the the same people

  • seeing your pressure make an effect.

Honestly I’m having a blast playing currently.


In no particular order:

Pulling off bop in less than a second

Literal 1 shots

Pulling off the 1v2 in 2s

Beating a streamer

Winning a hard fought match by the tiniest of margins

Getting angry whispers for doing any of the above

I’m sure I missed a few but these come to mind.

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getting a kill from a dot in any pvp situation after ive died is like being injected with pure white bliss


love rooting healers out of los of their dps who dont realize they’re sitting what is basically an extra 6s cc

won a game today because i rooted a healer on a tiny los point in tiger’s peak. visual aid of what happened: