What might happen to Sylvanas at the end of Shadowlands

I am talking about the game and what we see in it. I have little interest in the novels.

Then you are missing a LARGE chunk of the lore, sad to say.


thats not the subject we are talking about.

No, but you’ve outright admitted that you don’t understand the content I’m talking about because you have not read the novels where these things took place.

I don’t feel like I have to explain to you the validity of content found in the books as actual canon.


I said something and you replied with something completely off topic.
If you didnt want to talk about what I said then why reply to me?

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Aren’t some of the Desolate Council still alive? In Before the Storm some were rejected by their living relatives (and Sylvanas exploited that, saying almost word for word “no one loves you like your Dark Lady does”), others tried to defect to the Alliance and were killed for it (which is fair, that was treason) and those who were killed for re-connecting with their living relatives. Didn’t Zelling have living relatives he was in touch with? :thinking:

Hasn’t Sylvanas been a major character since Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne? She got as much spotlight as Arthas in the undead campaign. Then from Vanilla to Wrath didn’t we get to know Sylvanas? I think I have that “Lament of the Highborne” toy on my characters. :persevere:

I’m not sure what they could do with Genn. He and his people also lost their homes and lots of loved ones.

I think the lack of empathy for Sylvanas fans might be due to people being more focused on the Night Elf fans since the Night Elves didn’t even get one cinematic despite being the victims of the Burning of Teldrassil.

The potential of being used for a “religion bad” message is only one of the problems I had with the villain-batting of Yrel and her group. It is poorly written, out of character, whitewashes a war criminal and ignores a big swathe of the lore. I’m surprised you say you agree with me about this leaning into an atheist agenda (a concern but not my only one) given some of the things you said to - and about - me on a thread about that very topic, such as;

What changed?

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Through your last Light thread and the discourse around the New atheist movement, I got new clarification on your target, instead of a strawman in the Light. Recontextualizing your attacks on atheism and the “radical left” for the political movements and not the WoW story itself helped me see your position a lot better.

My only real issue was the fact that you used the Light as a strawman for Christianity. It made it hard to be critical of the Light without being critical of Christianity. I still think that they should be mutually exclusive and to not continue to make these strawman arguments. We can be critical of the Light without criticizing faith. Does that make sense? I’m sorry if I came off in a hostile way previously.

Personally I would like to see Sylvanas gone from the story. Her story has been wrecked. At this point thet are merely handwaving. She is as detrimental to the forsaken going forward at the moment as Calia.

They are probably not going to remove her. She has at least some perceived market value. They also have some vaguely conceived notion of a new era of wow going forward. In that era it appears given their tale telling styles we will be lead by this mousekateeresque collection of heroes/self inserts in combating cosmic forces. Sylvanas will probably join this troop from time time.


What is your basis for saying this? Sylvanas’s entire story up until BfA and Shadowlands has been how in control of every situation she has always been, and BfA and Shadowlands has shown that to be a farce, and to have always been a farce (as much as it pains a loyalist like myself to admit).

We’re back to Schrodinger’s Sylvanas…so evil and genius that she’s always two steps ahead…so incompetent and feckless that even the Jailer manipulated her.

Anti-Sylvanas types are never satisfied. Even if Tyrande cut her head off (she won’t) you would still complain there wasn’t enough blood.


Tyrande humbled Sylvanas pretty well when she proved the Jailer was keeping her in the dark.

Even Ms. know it all Sylvanas was surprised Nathanos was dead.

It was an early glimpse that she wasn’t as smart as she thought she was.


This. The story has gone out of its way to show how much Sylvanas was in the wrong for the last…how many years has it been?

No pound of flesh is ever good enough.

I hate Blizzard for ever taking us down this road.


This is just the same mindset from both kinds of fans in the situation spinning around in circles.

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Literally my eyes? The one time she wanted something and it was taken away from her was the Legion cinematic with Genn Greymane.
In every other instance she had full agency.
She left because she wanted to, she betrayed because she wanted to, she fought because she wanted to. Her boyfriend died because he wanted to. Anything she wanted she got but what she wanted didn’t always turn out what she thought it would be.

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Being told your 15+ year story you tell yourself about yourself is a joke because your soul was shattered doesn’t say much for “agency.”

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well that made no sense whatsoever

To put it another way…how is 9.2 a win for Sylvanas? Literally her entire self-mythology was thrown out the window.

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did you understand a word i told you or do you lack the capacity to understand it?

You said “she always got what she wanted, but it didn’t turn out the way she thought it would be”.

Okay…in what way did she get what she wanted in 9.1? Did she remake reality the way she wanted?

You are like every other anti-Sylvanas type, your hatred of the character blinds you to the story being told.


so you really do lack the capacity to understand what you are being told.
If you can’t understand plain english or resort to strawmen just to make your point then there is no point to elaborate because you just wont get it.

You know…you could use points and examples, not just berate me. I’m not Grandblade, I do not resort to such low tactics.