What makes you leave a BG?

Is there anything that makes you leave a BG? What criteria does a BG have to meet before you throw in the towel?

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I generally don’t leave, i just stealth around if other players arent playing objectives or we are being farmed. If people are trying, i will try basically.


Never do. If someone is still trying i will do my best to be their pocket healer.


falling asleep

If people are playing like trash or have less than 6 million HP, I tend to just sit and wait for the next match, or pick out people 1 by 1 on my own terms, because I’m not into joining in, or taking a battleground serious, with lazy ungeared nobodies. Green Algari gear is 1k gold per piece there’s absolutely zero excuse not to enter pvp without FULL gear immediately upon hitting 80. I’ve had like 20 to 30k gold every single run from level 1 to 80. For God’s sake I had a conquest weapon the instant I hit 80 with alts with all the free heraldrys. I try to get to the next match faster. If we have 1 healer vs. 2 or 3, I’m straight up leaving the match.

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power outage


WG if we lose SR team fight I leave and log to another toon
Ashran If we lose ROC I go afk or bail out depending on mood
Basically I bail if we lose initial team fight like at hangar too.

Randoms I usually dont bail because theyre over fast. I just dont do anything but wait is we are losing

Something comes up. I stop having fun. Lag. :dracthyr_yay_animated:

Usually something from IRL happened. I don’t leave a bg even when we are getting roflstomped.

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Epic battlegrounds.

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  1. Premade Groups.
  2. Oceanic Phases.
  3. Griefs being on my team.

We’re currently getting rolled in Ashran - but since none of those have happened - I’m staying.

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dont have to win to get honor levels amirite

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If you want Honor Levels - faction change to Horde.

2-4 min queues + 50% Honor Buff. Horde gets as much Honor for losing, as Alliance gets for winning (not counting the daily.) After testing - I was losing 7 Honor Levels a week by playing Alliance.

I prefer Alliance - but I’m not waiting 8-14 mins for a possible loss.

As Horde - I don’t care either way. I can play for kills/hks.

I’m doing rated solo queue BGs, so nothing… not even the mage frothing at the mouth that we are terrible dps while he refuses to release and help the team.

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When it’s time to eat wow can wait.



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when me big mad


Yo that mech mog go crazy on male draenei :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:

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At least the scale of the armor is more appropriate and doesn’t make me look like Beetlejuice.

How you be big mad when you so small? :face_with_monocle:

If you ever play Colossus warrior you will understand the true meaning of big and mad :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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