What makes you keep going in WoW?

Totally not addiction.


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But are you?

There’s nothing interesting on t.v.

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There’s hardly anything interesting on tv these days tbh. Last time i watched tv was 5 years ago


I enjoy watching the History Channel and Food Network. Regular TV is meh except for Big Bang Theory re-runs :wink:

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How does one eat the History Channel?


These days, pvp combat and maybe rewards, I think. Sometimes even having to get decent gear to experience PvP combat properly kind of frustrates me.

Used to really like working towards rewards and gear, but I found that rewards only matter as much as how many friends you have around you to appreciate them. If you play alone, rewards seem quite pointless, just a short dopamine rush.

Probably with a ancient fork

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I’m burned out on FPS, RTS, and trying to keep up with Skyrim like GPU demanding games.

Warcraft has all the modes of play in one game. It can be a solo adventure, heavy on RP, PvP oriented, mindless dungeon crawling, a money game, or a collector paradise.

It has the value of 20 games in one location. That’s why I value it.

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

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Food Network used to be my joy because new recipes and Alton Brown. But now, in my area, all they do is show reruns of “Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives” for the evening programming. So off to WoW to fill that entertainment need.

Food Network and eating the History Channel…
Have a Snickers :slight_smile:

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And a V8. I miss those commercials

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:


Oh sweetie, The History Channel and the Food Network are two totally different cable stations (my bad for the typo) They’re educational and entertaining!


It’s called the History Channel?

I thought it was the Hitler Channel because every time I turn it on it was something about him.

Nostalgia mostly, the atmosphere and music. The underwater zones. etc

the way they manage to make forests feel like forests is something I think ESO could learn from.

I’m sick of Diners Drive-ins and Dives - my passion are the banking shows, and on Saturday is a show called The Kitchen that’s pretty entertaining.

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The overall quality is significantly better compared to other MMOs, I love the graphics/visuals, and I enjoy how being a spellcaster/healer feels in this game the most.

i like mythic plus. its fun and even though i don’t do super high keys i still find it fun. At this point m+ is the only reason i log into this game with any regularity, though i do enjoy pvp occasionally.

Little pets, Gnome and escapism.


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that next great class set