What makes you happy about wow right now?

And then you realize who is on the community council and it’s more of “abandon all hope ye who enter here”.

A wider variety of people than is assumed, but also people I trust to give a less tryhard opinion. So there is some balance there. There are tryhards too. But /shrug

Threads like:

give me hope

Edit can’t forget this!


I’m leveling new hunters and they’re already level 45. Im a veteran and It’s a bit confusing on where to go, so I spent most of my time between Legion Assault, BFA Assault, BFA Questing, some early questing in Durotar and lots of herbs/mining.

I didn’t want to be jumping in chromie time left and right So I stayed out of it.

But It’s fun to level and the difficulty stays about the same throughout the experience.

I’m looking forward to try leveling in Torghast next, I leveled all my alts to 60 in 9.0 through dungeons (and 1 campaign run).

So leveling-up is what I enjoy currently in WoW.


It’s good to see that people are pleased with some of the topics they’re seeing now. Hope is what we have as well, that our threads and comments can cause real change in the game by providing clear and concise, respectful, but real feedback.

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Finally getting the alts caught up.


This is the kind of thing Blizzard SHOULD be eliminating. Characters are not supposed to be good at everything and originally in WoW they were not. Look at hybrids in Classic, they are jacks of all but masters of none. The DPS only classes are top dogs in terms of damage. Yet through all this every class brought something to the table. It was good to have a ret in your raid group, a feral, a shadow priest, etc. The player customization is what is lacking in WoW and why it has fallen so far. When your character constantly changes how it plays you feel no attachment to it. To fix WoW you have to remove the ESports like features and make the classes all perform differently yet each bring something that makes them worth having.

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Although they took away the fishing chair that I was slowly but surely grinding for, they did not take away the Underlight Angler, which I got recently.

Fortunately I can fish with zen flight AND I can walk on water.

Now if only there was something worth fishing up in Shadowlands…


While I agree that esports is bad for the game, I’m going to respectfully disagree on the rest. Having been down that road it causes major issues where you get left out because the content requires abilities you don’t have. When the utility of a class overrides the base functionality the game is broken. Systems should be fun, not frustrating.

Either way this is off topic and I will not be replying again.

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Yes, lets stack Hunters and Warlocks in every facet of group PvE content. That was peak design that definetly didn’t age like milk.

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Why have classes and roles by this logic. Make everyone the same and this will never be a problem. Who needs tanks, dps, healers? Who needs Warriors, Druids, Priests? None of this comes up when you play with friends. They take you because you are you, not because your character is the best at X. I have sat out raid fights back in Vanilla, TBC, and WotLK. I was not there at times for our first kills. It felt a little bad then but I prefer that to the current design. I was always brought in later and was never left out of content.

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Funny story, actually… I am night fae and I have found many cute little outfits. My lamentation is that my competition in Trial of Style doesn’t seem to like vulpera much. That said, it’s about 50/50 and it’s still fun at the end of the day.

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I wonder how many people share your sentiment, because you’re the first person I personally have ever seen say they enjoyed being benched at any point in time.


I always say that combat feels very good in WoW no matter what. Especially now after aoe cap removal.

Art and music is always superb. I’m a kind of person who watched James Cameron Avatar four times in the cinema and Ardenweald completely captivated me with its zone design and music when I first started playing Shadowlands.

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Combat, art style, night elves, rogues, hunters, orcs🤣

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It is game design that incentivizes this behavior by rewarding it. It’s not a player issue. Players are required to earn a lot of honor to upgrade their gear.

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Leveling up my monk makes me happy.


That there’s nothing left for me to do til next patch, and I spend more time IRL.


It’s pretty dirt cheap entertainment. Something like 40 cents a day


As a 70+ year old senior with health issues and no grandchildren to spend time with, it’s cheap entertainment. I love the lore and after 16 years I’m still learning new things. Keeps my mind sharp. The only drawback is that I don’t do dungeons or raids cause I’m too slow and uncoordinated to keep up with the youngsters. However, there is enough content for me to be happy.