This isn’t about your subjective preference, this is about what makes retail more successful (facts don’t care about your feelings)
Borrowed power is a terrible system.
Hard pass on retail.
Except we are having fun playing Classic.
Run along back to retail where you belong.
No one here cares that you think retail is better.
This isn’t the retail forum.
It’s not a feeling, the Classic community by and large isn’t the retail community, most of us can’t stand retail or its garbage systems or easy mode everything except mythic, you guys dont even need to earn gold anywhere, you get what like half a million just for leveling.
The fact is the direction of Modern wow is why alot of the classic community left years ago, and came back for classic, we think your game is trash and we don’t like it. Classic wow is successful, and honestly your defense of the horrible game that is retail is baffeling, unless your grinding mythic retail is a joke, sure raids arn’t hard in classic but in general the world is harder and more unforgiving than anything in retail. The fact my kid won’t play classic because she thinks its to hard speaks volumes. Yall get little arrows to point you to where to go, little highlighted and circled area’s on the map that tell you where to find what you need is, your objects you need to interact with glow. Honestly outside of high end raiding modern wow is more casual friendly than fortnite, and easier than Barbie’s Island adventure.
Imagine thinking anyone gives a fk about retail achievements either.
Of course you’re an illidan player. Nothing but drool comes out of those players mouths.
But statistically, retail has more players and is therefore more successful. Didn’t need to hear your life story - just trying to identify what makes retail more successful.
I legit don’t think you play this game. You just keep a sub up to troll. No one really cares about either games. Playing wow will not help you land a job.
you wont find the anwsers your looking for from people who dislike it, but here retail is more successful because its an easy game with no real challange that any random 5yr old could play without much trouble outside of raid content, its more casual friendly than netflix and chill, is that what your looking for
The only thing that makes Retail more successful than Classic is the E-shop.
I mean tbc is pretty easy too…
TBC overall is much harder than retail, the only difficult part of retail is highend raiding, everything below mythic is tuned to the lowest common denominator. The fact that by level 40 you’ve already got 10-15k gold just from questing proves my point
Social interaction is alot worse in retail. Here is retail social interaction on retail.
Returning play comes back to retail
Joins guild
/guild hey guys hows it going.
Response silence
Retail discord.
Returning player joins channel
Hey guys hows it going
Response crickets.
Returning player goes into trade wtb flask
Trade chat response looking to sell mythic 15s. Mythic enter raid here and torghast carries send tell for price.
So tbc might be dead and may only have interaction in discs and guild chat which is actually false but its still more than what retail has.
This is LITERALLY Classic, how are you not able to comprehend most of Classic are Retail players that just wanted to get a fill of their nostalgia lmao
Pointing out the standard questie attached to retail doesnt make your point of why retail is bad. U describing all that is exactly what questie does in classic minus the red circles.
My guilds discord is just fine and so is guild chat. Trade chat and lfg chat is also hopping on pagle. So unless u have character in every single tbc guild on every server on both alliance and horde u are full of assumption which means u are full of something else.
And i agree with others most classic players cant stand retail. I got up to castle in retail and stopped because of the grind and i hate mythic dungeons.
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