What makes retail more successful than classic?

Yikes dude you play a literal private server that has more P2W/RMT than Retail, is more anti-social as Retail with zero balance patches and they even removed a bunch of sht the Community wanted from Wrath.

You’re basically paying $15/month to be gaslit into believing your time or efforts matter.

No one cares about Classic, no one will EVER care about Classic, you’re playing an inferior version of the game and being charged for it.


just a dead game, with dead pvp
and this guy has nothing there, so the only way he has to feel superior is trying to troll here, but he doesnt have anything to link here too, so i guess it didnt work

More people than TBC you :clown_face:

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I pay 15 a month to not farm gold in retail,

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how do you feel about coming here and getting wrekt in your own troll post
share with us, like you are to ashamed to share your rating

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It’s not my post

It’s a game, you nut. None of it matters. I think you’re getting a little too worked up. Might be time to step away from the computer for a bit.

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That’s my point, none of it matters. Especially Classic.

you made it yours
we gave you the credits

You’re malding over people enjoying Classic more than Retail lmao


No YOU made it my thread when you got all emotional from being called out for being a 900 CR rat who got boosted.

Stop getting baited by the truth and move on with yourself.

It’s called a reality check, nothing you do on Classic matters. Only Retail counts.

how can i be emotional if i dont care about retail
but i know you do
and i enjoy seeing you mad because i have more rating than you

Says the guy who showed us his retail toon when no one asked :yawning_face:

God you’re so boring, your personality revolves around this too much kid go outside or something.


yeah sorry give me a minute, let me sell split run so my race to world first raider can attempt to get first kills.

oh how much you say that will be? like 100k irl dollars to get some gear and boe. yeeeah man lets just send it and say it was giveaway run that way we sound more virtuous.

can you give me your dealer number.

oh nvm youre just high on your lfg fairy powder fantasy,

and nobody cares about retail either :rofl: man keep on clowning yourself

whats your retail rating?
i will be generous and bet a 1750

If no one cares why you so worked up over it? Don’t you have some dead servers and mage boosts to AFK in?


None of it matters. It’s a video game. Some people enjoy one version of the game more than the other.

Half the posts in this thread are you malding LMAO

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thats called backing up words
thing you cant do because you lack the tools

And those people are the same ones crying, if they’re secure they wouldn’t get so butthurt. Not my fault the truth attracts these types of whiny crybabies :man_shrugging:

lol im not worked up over it, youre the one who came here crying that classic was bad. im just throwing the trash your saying back into your face.

don’t you have oribos to make circles around ? :rofl:

go do your dailies and maw activites, wouldn’t like to miss out on the next 40 new renown to grind next patch and currency to afford your third legendary. :laughing: