What makes Paladins awesome?

While not a main (I don’t really have a character that would qualify as a main), I like how easy questing as protection is. While my other characters have to do a few kills at a time, this character can just pull whole areas at a time and be done really fast. This probably goes for most if not all other tanks, but my paladin is my favorite for this playstyle.

Also, a lot of the story feels more natural for classes that “feel” like the good guys. Feels odd entering Zereth Mortis on my warlock, what with all of her fel corruption and all.


Familiarity. I know what everything does, hard to swap and relearn something from scratch. I can take a 2 year break and when I come back my muscle memory knows where pretty much everything is still. I don’t play an alt for 3 days and I’ve forgotten where everything is and what it does. Also I like the color scheme of abilities, every time I play something new I’m put off by how dark the abilities are. Pally’s got those bright action buttons, I love it.

Also my pally has the most titles and it’s just hard to let it go, this character is 10 years old and is a copy of my paladin before that from an account I don’t have anymore, I even gave it the same name initially. The few times I’ve mained a different class for an expansion I always level my paladin to max level just because I love it, even if I don’t play it.


But seriously, I’ve always had a Ret as main even when we were so weak. But, it is the BEST class to help some random passerby in open world, always excellent against undead, and always had good survivability.


As a Holy Paladin, I always feel in control. I know we’re not the bis spec right now or anything, but I’ve just played it for so long and I feel like I can handle most situations really well.

I also like the flow of gameplay right now. I wish CS didn’t cost mana, though.


I finally figured out my own reason.

As a Prot Paladin:

“I simply throw down consecrate, press various shield buttons, and everything just goes my way.”

While I played many classes in Cata-MoP I mained Ret, though I was pretty casual at the time. In WoD I played it on the side, with Hunter as my main for that expansion. Played it a tiny bit in Legion and BFA. I mained Ret, with Holy and Prot on the side for what I played of SL.

  • Ability to off heal in bad groups and PvP as Ret and Prot.

  • Big Burst damage in PvP as Ret, while I like having more constant pressure outside of cooldowns like with Warriors, knowing you are actually a massive threat with cooldowns is nice.

  • Holy Paladin as a melee healer has been really fun and unique. There are some major problems with the spec, but I really enjoy it.

That’s all I can really say is nice about the class atm. In Legion they ruined the classes mobility, removed so many ability’s related to it then removed our ability to remove slows at will. Leaving us with just freedom and the pony. This was not too bad as at the time many classes lost mobility. We are the worst in the game atm, maybe other than priest, but we are melee and need high uptime. Now in DF everyone else is getting even more mobility, and paladin will have less than we had in SL, and need to lose out of damage for it.

We used to also have some really useful support ability’s, like blessing of kings and wisdom in BFA as an example. Now our only support is healing that’s useless in most content, and worse than pure DPS classes self healing in raid settings. Now we are going to lose what we have left and basically be stuck with only BoP/BoS for niche moments in some raid fights, and freedom.

Overall the talent tree is just a disappointment for all specs. I’m planning on dumping my Paladin once more and playing a Warrior as my main for DF unless things change.

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Thanks for the great answer with lots of detail!

I feel you. I was actually planning on maining a Paladin for DF, but Druid is currently my top pick.

I reserve the right to change my mind again!

I’m trying to decide if I want to keep rolling with this priest or swap to pally come DF. I’m sure I’ll wind up more or less with both but one toon always has better gear than the other.

Many good reasons…

Paladins can be Tanks, DPS and Healers.

Paladins use Plate Mail.

Paladins can heal themselves easily and protect others while in fierce combat.

I recommend a Draenei Paladin because their racial ability Gift of the Naaru makes them pretty invincible.

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They’re versatile and can be used in nearly any situation.Been playing one since BC.Never played a holy because bro filled that spot.

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Idk, def not our SL tree :joy:

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It’s all of the :sparkles: sparkles :sparkles:.


Prot Paladins have been and generally are the best class for soloing content. That’s the primary reason I mained one for so long.


Going Super Saiyan and straight up melting people.


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they are just fun and got the best mog in the game. in my opinion avenger’s shield is like the best thing in the game.

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The fact that all the best ones are undead.
Oh wait, that’s priests.
Nevermind, I got nothing.

Class fantasy for a start, since they are such an iconic class for WoW in the lore.

Sheer utility otherwise. The only other class that can swap from tank, healer, or damage so readily is a druid. Besides, we make transmog look good :stuck_out_tongue:


Might be adding B-rez to this list. On interview Ion said the devs are looking to add another battle rez and it might be for paladinos.

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Pink is fashionable.
Ability to heal and tank just as prot alone
Solid dmg, on par with arc mage
I get to judge other people


avenger shield.

And if you want more avenger shield use divine toll

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