What makes Emerald Dream Different?

[Note: The character posting will not be my main, he’s just the one I ran through Exile’s Reach with. Will be deciding later, point is, I will be a new character with nothing going into this. Also have no idea why I can’t post as my Hunter right now.]

I have little knowledge about how things work, what battle groups do in the modern age, or if server even matters anymore, but I wanted to poke my head in as this is where my active character is.

Rewind to about 2008, cousin says I should come play this game with him and his buddies. Me being a recent college graduate with some actual disposable income for once, oblige. “Hey, this looks a lot like Warcraft III.”

Create a Dwarf Hunter on Emerald Dream because that’s where they are. When I grow up, I want to be a rifleman! Never actually play enough to keep up, I’m level 68 by the time they all hit WotLK. They all bail on Cataclysm, as I’m doing Outland.

I create a few more characters for sightseeing purposes, not really interested in raiding, so I call it a day.

Fast forward to now, we have Classic, I could try and go back, but I see another option. Chromie Time!

Modern WoW systems don’t bother me that much. Yeah, they’re lazy, but I’m more about the world. It doesn’t matter if I do Outland or Nothrend in retail, or classic. It’s never going to be the way it was, and I’d rather not get in on the classic community.

Okay, I’m getting off track here. As someone who just wants to “see the sights,” does server even matter? I have little interest in M+ gotta go fast, or high raiding. I’m the idiot you see walking with quest NPCs and trying to make setting appropriate transmogs.

So, what matters? Is there anything that sets this [or any server, really] apart from another? Economy? Queue Times?
Cross realm shenanigans has made it really hard to tell what’s what anymore.

I know I could have asked this in general, but I wanted to come to the server directly, just out of curiosity.

If you want RP but aren’t interested in WPvP, I’d reccomend Wyrmrest Accord. You’ll be able to experience all the Chromie Content there, as well as current Shadowlands content, at the expense of the world somehow still suffering from cataclysm all these years later and the game being dumbed down and hand holdy. If you’re lookong for RP WPvP and a more RPG experience, I’d reccomemd rolling on Grobbulus on WoW Classic. It’s a much more solid RP community with an active WPvP scene. Depends on your style of gameplay which server is right for you

If youre just looking to explore etc, it doesnt really matter where you are.