this post isnt about adding high elves as a playable race, it’s to debate whether or not they should be high elves at all. the post is more about night elves then high elves anyways tbh.
TLDR: They rejected Fel magic and stayed with Alliance instead of being independent at the time.
The Blue eyes is just a political alignment. Good thing Garithos died.
Crack is what makes them High elves that and pot
Narlant weed imported from the Diablo universe is what puts the High in a High Elf.
All elves are high elves.
Nightborne high on arcwine.
Night elves high on moon magic.
Void on void.
Blood on sunwell.
Congrats on the 4 playable high elves!
If the elf is pink skinned and aligned with the Alliance then it is a high elf.
Maybe it’s illegal in silvermoon?
Nah it’s legal in Silvermoon with a prescription.
not drinking the green kool aid
Came here for this. Thank you, Gaahr.
gaahr is john morrison
high refer’s to place in society. high elves were magisters. magic users are “high”
high elves = magical elves
Born & raised in Quel’Thalas prior to the Invasion of Quel’Thalas, and surviving members that did not become Blood Elves and join the Horde, are still a part of the Alliance of Stormwind.
It’s the blue eyes mostly. That and the aura of smugness they give off when looking down on Humans and Dwarves. But it’s mostly the blue eyes.
What makes a high elf high is their physical altitude relative to sea level.
Warcraft’s elves aren’t based on Tolkien, they’re taken pretty much whole cloth from AD&D’s Forgotten Realms setting.
In Forgotten Realms, the high elves had a four way schism that resulted in the Sun Elves (Blood Elves), Moon Elves (High Elves), Dark Elves (Nightborne) and Wood Elves (Night Elves).
Most elves who aren’t degenerate Llolth-worshippers follow the Seldarine pantheon which includes the moon goddess Selune.