What made you lose trust in the playerbase?

Like what in wow’s history really made you upset at the players and not the game? it can be anything over the games history.

For me, it was that people were mounting/using toys to make it impossible to click on quest givers or important npc’s/venders so much we can’t mount around many venders or places. Like that is 100% the players fault and they got nothing out of it. They JUST wanted to grief other people.

I think about it every time I am in stormwind and I’m kicked off my mount at the tender vender.


These forums, mainly.


The second I noticed lots more using raid parsing from WoD onwards I knew it would just be misused and abused.


accidently clicking a mage portal over a lock stone and getting 15 minute deserter debuff in av…


I can’t say that I’ve lost trust in the playerbase as a whole. I’ve definitely run into jerks, but they don’t represent all players in my mind. Overall I’ve had a pretty good experience with WoW players.


M+ punishment threads.


Sometimes it’s tough to keep the faith in humanity overall. The WoW player base is just a subset of that.


Well of course, It’s also in our general nature to focus on the negative in any regard. From survival to problem solving it’s good for us to focus and fix what is bad over what is okay.

But even then some things just stick with you, I’ll never get over that we legit can not mount by npc’s b/c of people griefing


M+ punishment players are selfish. They want everything to revolve around them.

Edit: I mean players who want leavers to be punished.


Havent had any “lost faith” moments.

Although every day i spend on the forums, the lack of commin sense and basic understanding of fundamental things…

People like to rip on these forums for years, but it really is the perfect allegory for the wow playerbase as a whole. See: examples in this thread.

When they all voted for that stupid tree mount

I’m still salty about it


When ppl started voting for the s2 rsham tier


Funny answer: voted for tree mount.

Real answer: the first instance of sending death threats to devs and writers I was aware of.

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I wonder if anyone remembers that one dev who dared people to come after him during the RealID forum phase and…then having to go into hiding IRL as a consequence.

WoW players don’t deserve rights :disappointed:

The “Go Go Go” mentality


Yea, because toxic casuals who plague every industry had a meltdown when they didn’t get what they wanted in this game: a free mount that they didn’t earn. Playerbase is a joke.

These forums, because in general when folks say monumentally stupid or vile things in-game … people en masse report 'em as they should. On these forums, folks have built this culture of “accepting that people will be back in a week to say the same things again”.

But very little if anything in-game has caused me to think like this ever.

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