What made you decide against maining a monk?

Just came back to the game after a long break. I started playing in BFA and spent the entire expansion just levelling and learning classes. I never got anywhere and decided that if I was going to come back, I’d need to choose a main with all 3 roles so I can actually experience endgame content. Narrowed it down to Paladin and Monk because I’m not a fan of Druids. I want to do everything: raids, mythic+, and PvP.

What made you choose a Paladin over a Monk?

Monks were poorly implemented imo: their animations are silly and they wield weapons they don’t use. Not to mention the stigma of being connected to Kungfu Pandas. Otherwise, yeah, Monk could be great. Just not my cup of tea.


when you think of paladins you think: big bulky knights that fight their foes with light empowered weapons you think, Uther the lightbringer, Tirion Fordring, Arthas Menethil

when you think of monks you think punch stuff? and that panda that said that garrosh must stand trail in pandaria, the class fantasy isnt even in the same level

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This character pre-dates monks by about 6 years.

Really though, it’s a difference in theme and play style. Monks are more rogue-like. Quick, mobile, hit fast and get out. Paladins are more tank like. Take hits to the face and heal back up. It’s honestly a matter of personal preference.

I started playing a Paladin in WoW Beta, so they just became my main wayyyy before Mist of Pandaria was even thought of!

Personally, I like the idea of being a Holy Knight, it’s something I’ve always enjoyed in video games (especially in Diablo2) and really the reason why I choose Paladins all those years ago.

Monks just never seemed to be my ‘cup of tea.’

To be quite honest, I do not like the play style of the current Monk or Paladin even, as these two classes would be my first picks at a complete redesign. :frowning:

They can’t be lightforged draenei. That’s like 90% of the reason, the rest is some minor gameplay quirks/hiccups. Am I really to believe during the entire time they were fighting the burning legion not one single LFDraenei never got drunk before a fight and tried to B slap a demon?

Lore purposes. lol Jessica is my main and I got some bank alts to store materials as my own bank is almost full :rofl: but I’ll only ever really play with Jess and I always had this philosophy that really resonated with the paladin class.

Devote my life to help the people or Azeroth/other world repel evil or just plain help them in their lives, with the power of Light. Felt really heroic, prestigious and just right. Tried being a paladin in Legion with the whole Class Hall campaign and I knew then that this was the life I wanted to have, in World of Warcraft. :slight_smile:

Really my only complaint with monks is how healer reliant Brewmaster is. I like how Prot can mostly take care of itself, and even keep the party healed fairly well.

That said I’ve been playing my BrM this season with the 4pc and that makes it feel REALLY good. If even a nerfed version of that set bonus manages to carry forward into Dragonflight somehow…

I don’t like having to use soothing mists, and cast other spells while channeling it (it’s clunky). I also don’t like how monks don’t have any instant-cast direct healing spell (aside from expel harm). If soothing mists could cast while moving, I’d probbaly enjoy the spec a lot more.

I asked my wife to pick warrior paladin or monk, at first she said warrior because they sound cool then I explained a bit of each class then she said paladin because they can heal themselves and others but then I said monk can do the same then she said still paladin and followed it up with “pushin P that’s why”

Edit: my wife has 0 knowledge of this game lol

Lol but honestly there are some times I wish I was a monk. Then there are times I’m glad I’m paladin for instance just timed a 23 dos and my uhdk had his necro arms up while the mob was bladestorming so he was trying to run and not kill himself so I saw that and used BoP on the dk and he was able to kill the mobs.

Not a good answer but take from it what you will lol

I swapped mains from pally to monk this patch. Superior raid heals. Superior tank (survival wise not dps). I don’t PvP or dps really so I cant comment on those aspects.

Class fantasy role, imo. Paladins are always iconic in the genre, and frankly the animations look really cool. Prot especially feels strong getting swarmed by mobs.

I have a monk alt that I mess with, but I just don’t get the same vibe. Also not a huge fan of the “drunken master” trope either.

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